Some twins tend to be inseparable, and neither they nor anyone else can imagine them being separate. On the other hand, other twins tend to be the polar opposite of that — not getting along in the slightest. Today’s story is about two sets of twins who are not the inseparable type. In fact, both these sets of twins seem to have a person in their lives who really wanted them to be apart. And this person was a woman who was a twin herself. She gave birth to twin daughters but didn’t like the younger one that much. And, well, that caused quite some drama.
More info: Reddit
Does adopting one of your children out count as tearing up a family?

Image credits: Ron Lach (not the actual photo)
A woman is asked by her twin sister to adopt one of her twin daughters, as she can’t keep up with raising two children

Image credits: Hawk i i (not the actual photo)

Image credits: amir graphy (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Accurate-Tie9003
The woman starts treating her new daughter well, but the girl’s birth mother gets mad because her other daughter isn’t treated as well as the adopted one
The story’s original poster is a 39-year-old woman who is a twin. Growing up, her twin sister, called Tanha, was uncomfortable with being a twin. So when Tanha got married and got pregnant with twins, the OP worried that it might cause some uncomfortable situations.
And she was kind of right since her sister’s twin daughters, Jasmine and Chloe, do not get along in the slightest. Chloe, the older one, is always favored by her parents, while Jasmine is not. This bothered the OP big time. Jasmine is so kind and intelligent, but her parents mistreat her.
Over a year ago, Tanha asked if the post’s author would be willing to adopt Jasmine. Apparently, the sister couldn’t keep up with raising two kids. The woman agreed to do so with the condition that it was also good for the girl, who was 14 at the time. She was happy with the agreement, so the adoption went through. The teen was also put in therapy.
If you’re wondering if such an adoption where a family member, like a twin sister in this case, can adopt another family member’s child exists, we’re here to tell you that it does. It even has its own name — kinship adoption. And it is not as rare as you might think. For example, back in 2020, about 35% of the adoptions that were realized through the foster care system were done by step-parents or other relatives.
It should be noted that the laws relating to this type of adoption depend on the place you reside — in different states or countries, it might differ. That means that the adoption process will differ from place to place.

Image credits: Pixabay (not the actual photo)
Coming back to the story, four months ago, a job position in Sweden opened up for the OP. She talked it over with her niece, who was legally her daughter now. The girl was excited as, in Sweden, she would get a very good education. So they prepared to move, and the word about it spread.
Soon, the OP found her sister with her husband and the other daughter on her doorstep. They were furious that she was moving away with her daughter Jasmine. They also were mad that she spent money on her education, clothing, and electronics, while not doing that for Chloe.
This made the woman lose it. She said that her sister and her husband lost their right to claim Jasmine after they neglected her and then let her aunt adopt her. In her opinion, Jasmine deserved a chance to make the life that she wanted. Plus, the twins’ parents always spoiled Chloe. Jasmine also needed someone to spoil her, and that’s why she’s doing all these things.
This made both Tahna and Chloe cry, while the sister’s husband called her a b-word for “destroying” their family. Thankfully, Jasmine wasn’t home to hear all that, even though the OP told her everything afterward. After the family left, they didn’t hear anything from them until the move, which happened 3 months ago.
Some extended family members called the OP to let her know that she tore the family apart by moving away with Jasmine, calling her selfish and cold. So, it’s no wonder why the woman feels that she might have stepped over the line. It brought her to Reddit to ask if she was a jerk in this whole situation.
And people online assured her she wasn’t. In their eyes, since the OP adopted the girl, she’s her mother now, and it’s OK she’s kind of spoiling her. This girl was never favored in her birth family over her twin sister. And the second the mistreated child one got some positive attention, they showed up at her doorstep with pointless accusations, like OP being the one who tore up their family. Well, netizens found this point to be a stupid one — after all, the OP’s sister asked her to adopt one of her daughters. And that’s the action that tore up the family, not the spoiling of the adoptee.
People online saw nothing wrong with the woman treating her newly acquired daughter after knowing how mistreated she was all those years prior

Image credits: Jep Gambardella (not the actual photo)