An eight year-old girl has had every strand of hair pulled from her head by hand in a painful tradition.
Aangi Bagrech had to go through this jaw dropping procedure as she became a jain nun in Surat, Gujarat, India.
The clip shows the dramatic moments that set the eight year-old off on her new strictly religious lifestyle.
The new lifestyle means that Aangi will no longer be able to see any of her family again.
During the lockdown Aangi started living as a jain nun.
The Jain religion is a religious minority which eschews the ties of modern life and it is made up of around 4.5 million followers.

This hair plucking procedure is something that will stay with the youngster forever. It is done to symbolise that the nuns are indifferent to physical pain.
Hemagi Ratna Shree Ma is the name that she will now be known as renouncing all worldly ties as part of her diksha (initiation) ceremony, including family, and material pleasures.
She will now live with a group of nuns who travel by foot everywhere. They also never spend more than twenty days in any place except during monsoons.
They also do not use electricity and survive on alms, wearing only simple white clothes, while their monk counterparts renounce clothing and walk naked.
Aangi's father Dinesh said: "She was tested by her gurus and they found her eligible to become a monk. She spent nearly two years with monks and will now live her life in monkhood.
"She refused mobile phone, precious gifts and clothes. She sat on a nine-day fast with a demand for diksha, about five months ago.
"My aunt took diksha in the past and she is the inspiration for Aangi. My entire family feels proud that a girl from our family is renouncing the materialistic world."