Stoney Dubs, with Lost Plaza, Me Local Member Of Parliament - Hamilton Station Hotel
Hunter Valley Grammar Showcase - Lizotte's
ACO Chopin & the Mendelssohns - Newcastle City Hall
Frente, with Piper Butcher - Lizotte's
Dominic Breen - Stag & Hunter Hotel
The FNCs, with NFI, Upside Down Miss Jane - Hamilton Station Hotel
Hockey Dad, with Crocodylus, Fungas - King Street Bandroom
Mi-Sex - Lizotte's
Munroe, with Georgie Winchesters, The Cheaks - King Street Warehouse
Les Divas : An All-Male Revue - Civic Theatre
The Golden Gaytimes - Stag & Hunter Hotel
Catpiss, with Hundred Metre Dash, Phoebe Joy - Hamilton Station Hotel
Outer Control, with Without Fail, Hawker, Kid On A Leash, Save The Humans, Swords Bros, Marcus Wynwood - Lass O'Gowrie Hotel

Trophy Eyes, with Dear Seattle, OK Hotel - King Street Bandroom
Two Times Shy, with Kid On A Leash, Save The Humans - Hamilton Station Hotel
Johnston City - Stag & Hunter Hotel
Lu Quade & The Happy Accidents, with Lysytsa - Royal Oak Hotel
Hunter Drama Pre-Diploma Showcase - Civic Playhouse
Ben Leece & The Left Of The Dial, with Olive Crighton, Wolf - Grand Junction Hotel
Regurgitator, with Tumbleweed - King Street Bandroom
Jon Stevens - Toronto Hotel
ABBASBACK - Lizotte's
Telurian, with None For One, Whisperhead, Long Distance - Hamilton Station Hotel