CMM2 UoN Students Present: The End Of Semester Send - Hamilton Station Hotel band room
Virescent, with Strapped In, Van Leucia, Sanctuary For None - Hamilton Station Hotel front bar
Kevin Mitchell/Bob Evans, with Bree Rusev - Bartholomew's
Sarah Yagki, with Foreign Horror, Kingsley James - Hamilton Station Hotel
Didirri - King Street
Holding Absence (UK), with Thousand Below (USA), Bloom, Closure - Hamilton Station Hotel
Richard Clapton, with Piper Butcher - Lizotte's
Dog Trumpet - Stag & Hunter Hotel

British India - King Street Bandroom
Kingswood - Stag & Hunter Hotel
Richard Clapton, with Piper Butcher - Lizotte's
Butterfingers - King Street Warehouse
What Were You Wearing? Australia Presents: HAMOWEEN, with Well?, Saylor & The Flavor, Goon Gremlins, Ragdoll, Trip Fandango, Nomad, So She Can Fly - Hamilton Station Hotel
Chloe Gill - Adamstown Bowling Club
Lachlan X. Morris - Lass O'Gowrie Hotel
The Vandastruts, with Bermuda - Hamilton Station Hotel
Hornette - Adamstown Bowling Club
The Corrs (IRE), with Natalie Imbruglia, Toni Childs (USA), Germein - Newcastle Entertainment Centre
Ben Salter & Jethro Pickett - Grand Junction Hotel