Cow Corner, with Feign, Hands That Move, Foreign Horror - Hamilton Station Hotel
The Whitlams Black Stump - Lizotte's
Bang On Live with Zane Rowe & Myf Warhurst - Civic Theatre
Sanguisugabogg (USA), with Disentomb, Algor Mortis, Vicious Instinct - Newcastle Hotel
Honka Slonka, with Floor Drugs, Thanks Paranoia - Lizotte's
Junkyard Open Mic with Piper Butcher - Grand Junction Hotel
Bob Evans, with Georgie Winchester, Belle - Stag & Hunter Hotel
The Whitlams Black Stump - Lizotte's
Superstars: A Musical Celebration of Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice - Civic Theatre
The Porkers - King Street Band Room
Hot Mulligan (USA), with Free Throw (USA), Bad Neighbour - Hamilton Station Hotel
Austin Mackay - Civic Playhouse
Gin & Jams - Bar On The Hill
Awol, with Skorn, Near Death Experience, Network, Feel The Pain, Thantu Thikha, Skinned Alive - Newcastle Hotel
Femme Friday - Lass O'Gowrie Hotel
Urn, with Cow Corner - Seven Seas Hotel
Cog with, Yomi Ship, Kodiak Empire - King Street Band Room
Eliza & The Delusionals, with Lucky Day, Daphzie - Stag & Hunter Hotel
Anna Lunoe - King Street Warehouse
Superstars: A Musical Celebration of Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice - Civic Theatre
James Blundell, with Jarrad Wrigley - Newcastle Hotel
Vex, with Boudicca, Latest God, Backhand, Grip Down, Serial Pest, Not Telling, Impact Warning, Fat Monica, Human Failure, Onryo - Hamilton Station Hotel
Country Witches Association ft Aine Tyrrell (IRE) & Mandy Nolan - Lizotte's
Maple Glider - Civic Playhouse
Rytham Of Dusk - Lass O'Gowrie Hotel
Avalanche - Wickham Park Hotel
Sneaky Freakers, with Bearded Clams, Culture Thieves, Belter - Seven Seas Hotel

Cub Sport - King Street Band Room
Daniel O'Donnell (IRE) - Newcastle Entertainment Centre
Dan Sultan, with Bec Sandridge - Civic Playhouse (matinee & evening shows)
Superstars: A Musical Celebration of Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice - Civic Theatre
Elixir ft Katie Noonan, Zac Hurren & Ben Hauptmann, with Jack Carty - Lizotte's
Daryl Braithwaite - Toronto Hotel
Daydreaming Soundsystem, with jyc, Bo Bella - Newcastle Hotel
AGS, with Lowblow - King Street Warehouse
Ninajirach, with Donatachi and 1NN353LF - King Street Nightclub
Sir Archer, with Piper Butcher & The Warning, Daniel March - Hamilton Station Hotel
Grace Aberhart, with Genie Loci, Chain Daisy - Stag & Hunter Hotel
James Thomson - Grand Junction Hotel
The Hedonists, with Lu Quade & The Happy Accidents - Lass O'Gowrie Hotel
Tim Rossington - Seven Seas Hotel
Peter Garrett & The Alter Egos, with Raintalker - Newcastle City Hall