Cheap Trick (USA), with The Angels - Civic Theatre
Mark Tinson & Heroes - Lizotte's
Open House, with The Halves, Rehab Doll - Hamilton Station Hotel
Junkyard Open Mic Night with Dave Wells - Grand Junction Hotel
Dust, with Sheena Dalis Swedish Magazines, Exit Mould, Evangeline, Claire O'Brien, Matilda and Joseph ( Fritz x Baby Bruh ), Jim Rexy & Friend - King Street Warehouse
Two Of Us: The Songs of Lennon and McCartney by Damien Leith & Darren Coggan - Lizotte's
Slim Jimz - Stag & Hunter Hotel
Snowfish, with But Anyway, Not Good Not Bad - Hamilton Station Hotel
Scatter Light (Understand single launch), with Nana Klumpp - Lass O'Gowrie Hotel
On Repeat: Morgan Wallen Appreciation Night - Newcastle Hotel
Grand Pricks, with Shadow Cast - Oriental Hotel
Monty Shambles - Seven Seas Hotel
The Dark Clouds, with Rust - Royal Oak Hotel

Dave The Band, Sitting Down, Goon Gremlins, Voider - King Street Band Room
Baam Bam, with The Outliers, Demi Mitchell - Adamstown Bowling Club
Joel Leggett, with Georgie Winchester, Phoebe Joy - Rogue Scholar Rooftop
Time Of Earth, with Kid On A Leash, Imaginary Things - Stag & Hunter Hotel
Jeremy Spoke: The Pearl Jam Tribute - Lizotte's
Josh Thomas: Let's Tidy Up - Civic Theatre
Beat City Alpha - Oriental Hotel
Huge Combo, with Sesh Wrenlins - Seven Seas Hotel
East Coast Low, with Alan Creed - Royal Oak Hotel
Mia Dyson - Lizotte's
James Thomson & The Strange Pilgrims, with Huckleberry & Devil's Dandruff, The Hunter Valley Ramblers, The High Andies - Royal Oak Hotel
Blind Pretty & Hey Lenny, with Gidget Moon - King Street Warehouse
Perry Street Park, with Midnight Chicken, Jack Rayne - Hamilton Station Hotel
Cliff Grigg's Spy Vs Spy - Grand Junction Hotel
Flying High - Oriental Hotel
Hal Isherwood - Seven Seas Hotel
Harry Manx (USA) - Lizotte's