If someone gives you a Giant Hogweed plant as a gift, that person is not your friend. And “leave” this plant (otherwise known as the cartwheel-flowera or Heracleum mantegazzianum) alone. Don’t even touch it, and get some professional help. Because the Giant Hogweed (not to be confused with Hogwarts) is basically a big obnoxious bleep.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) indicates that the Giant Hogweed is listed as a Federal Noxious Weed under the Plant Protection Act. It’s bad enough to be called a weed, let alone a noxious weed. This makes it illegal to import or transport this plant across State lines without a permit. If your job is to smuggle Giant Hogweed, it’s time to find another job.
The plant is a member of the carrot family (Apiaceae) but contact with the plant can result in a “what’s up doc?” According to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the plant produces a sap that when combined with moisture and sunlight can burn your skin and eyes, potentially resulting in painful blistering, long-time sun sensitivity, permanent scarring, and even permanent blindness. Any part of your body that touches this sap essentially needs to be treated like a very dirty vampire as soon as possible: thoroughly washed with soap and water and kept away from sunlight for 48 hours. If you suspect any burns or any other damage to your skin or eyes, see a doctor as soon as possible.
Here’s a Good Morning Britain segment covering a girl who got burned by the plant:
Ouch. As you can see, simply brushing up against the plant can be dangerous. The sap is also the reason why you should not take a weed whacker to the plant. Such a whack job could essentially create a mist of dangerous sap, resulting in third-degree burns all over your body. Instead you’ll need someone with protective gear to either remove the entire plant or use herbicides such as glycophsophate or triclopyr to kill the plant.

Bearing a searing sap is not the only reason the Giant Hogwood is a big obnoxious bleep. It is an invasive species that will crowd out other nicer plants. The Giant Hogwood was originally from the Caucasus Mountains and southwest Asia, between the Black and Caspian Seas, but someone had the bright idea to bring the plant to the U.S. in 1917 as “an ornamental garden plant.” It has since become established in the New England, Mid-Atlantic and Northwest Regions of the U.S. The USDA has a map of where the plant has been found. The plant tends to grow in places with plenty of sunlight but can also be found in partially shaded areas. According to CBS 6 WTVR News, researchers at the Massey Herbarium at Virginia Tech have recently identified 30 Giant Hogweed plants for the first time in Virginia (in Clarke County). Oink.
Like some other big obnoxious bleeps, the Giant Hogweed at first glance can look quite pleasant. According to a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation website, Giant Hogwood plants tend to:
- Be between 7 and 14 feet tall
- Have white flowers with 50 to 150 flower rays clustered into an umbrella shaped flower cluster up to 2.5 feet across
- Have huge leaves, incised and deeply lobed up to 5 feet across
- Green stems with extensive purple splotches and prominent coarse white hairs.
- Hollow ridged stems that are 2 to 4 inches in diameter and have a thick circle of hairs at base of leaf stalk
- Dry, flattened, and oval seeds that are approximately 3/8 inch long and tan with brown lines (oil tubes) extending 3/4 of the seed length that widen at ends
Giant Hogweeds are frequently mistaken for a more pleasant plant, the Cow Parsnip. It can also be confused for the Wild Parsnip, Angelica (the plant and not a person named Angelica), and Poison Hemlock. This video from the Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver shows how to distinguish the Giant Hogweed from Cow Parsnip:
Authorities are trying to get rid of this plant. So if you see something that you think is the Giant Hogwood, take pictures of entire plant (including its stem, leaves, flowers and seeds) and send them to those in your local or state government who handle such environmental dangers. And don’t make it a selfie, because you should definitely keep your distance from this noxious weed and alert the professionals to handle it.