A sighting of a 'hooded man' late at night at Sherwood Forest was pictured by paranormal investigators, who believe it to be one of Robin Hood's merry men. On January 29, a medium and a paranormal investigator ventured into Sherwood Forest at around 11:30 pm, and what they saw blew their minds.
Dean Buckley, 39, from Doncaster, who has been a paranormal investigator for nearly 20 years, has visited the forest seven times as parts of his investigation into paranormal activity. He said: "I'm interested in Robin Hood, always have been. I caught it on my camera and I was so excited. When we were in the forest we felt we were being watched from all angles, we felt it every time as we went deeper."
The investigator journeyed further into the forest, trying to communicate with the figure. He added: "We heard whistles and footsteps behind us and saw shadows. We would call out to them. I felt excited I always do, it doesn't bother me."

His partner, Veronica Buckley, 39 also from Doncaster and a spiritualist medium, says it was her first time inside the forest and as a median, could sense eyes watching them. She said: "I was excited to understand more about the history of Sherwood and the Robin Hood tale. We used our night vision camera to try to debunk it as animals but there was nothing. I don't believe it was Robin Hood, I believe he was part of the merry men."
The medium says she is not frightened by spirits and that she communicated with the figure through her mind. She added: "I talked to them verbally and through my mind, they were telling us stories. He was injured by an arrow and wanted to get his story told to find peace. I could also see arrows flying across."
The duo will be vising Sherwood Forest again in April to continue their investigation.
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