And other stories from the stranger side of life
A pub landlord in Nuneaton said his premises are haunted by the ghost of a dead drinker called Dave. The ghost knocks customers’ pints over and was even caught making a glass explode, said Fox News. Andy Gadsby, the landlord of Coniston Tavern, believes the pub is haunted by the former tenant, who used to live in the flat above the bar. “One night he drank a bottle of brandy and had a heart attack and died,” he said.
Farnham sculpture ‘like Madonna’s bra’
A local authority’s art sculpture of golden cones has been likened to “Madonna’s bra”. Farnham Town Council’s “sensory, tactile, and interactive sculptural installation” has “baffled” locals, said The Telegraph. The sculptures cost £19,500 of taxpayer money but they haven’t gone down well: critics have compared them to a “Dalek scrapyard” and “giant dunce hats”. Farnham Town Council’s Iain Lynch said they symbolise “the enduring role of hands in craft for thousands of years”.
US ‘tried to rebuild crashed UFOs’
Whistleblowers said debris from crashed UFOs was retrieved by secret US government investigators who tried to rebuild them. Although the “Roswell-style retrieval teams” were sworn to secrecy, at least six have come forward to reveal the reverse-engineering work, said the Daily Star. New legislation was passed last year allowing anyone who worked on secret UFO programmes to give evidence to a probe, which has told the US Senate it is looking at 650 “sightings”.
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