The UK's biggest nature challenge is back this year which encourages people to do something wild every day in June. More than 760,000 people took part in the 30 Days Wild scheme last year.
In Nottinghamshire, almost 2,000 people have already signed up to take part this month. There is still time to join the nationwide challenge where you will get a free pack including a calendar to mark all your daily activities and a pack of wildflower seeds.
It is up to you what wildlife activities you choose to do each day and can range from wildlife watching, eating breakfast outdoors and listening to birdsong. You can even plant for pollinators or take on sporting challenges to help raise money for The Wildlife Trusts.
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Some previous highlights include a participant who posted packets of wildflower seeds to their neighbours, a person who woke up 5am every day to catch the sunrise and dawn chorus and the enthusiast who crocheted a blanket with 30 wildlife species, one square a day.
A survey of those who took part in the month long event least year found that it improved people’s relationship with nature and inspired them to take action. 88% said they were very likely to make their garden more wildlife-friendly and 74% said they had either already taken action to reduce their carbon footprint, or were very likely to after taking part in 30 Days Wild.
The challenge is open to people of all ages and backgrounds. A five-year review of 30 Days Wild participants, run in conjunction with the University of Derby, found that people reported they felt happier and healthier from taking part, with positive effects lasting for at least two months afterwards.
You can sign up to take part in the event on the Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild page.