Even Genshin Impact celebrates the spring. The upcoming Genshin Impact 3.5 update features the long-awaited Sumeru mercenary, Dehya, and the Knights of Favonius surveyor, Mika, as its guests of honor. It also brings back the Windblume Festival, a romantically toned festival where your flower choice could make a difference in your springtime adventure. And that’s just the start of it. Here’s everything we know about Genshin Impact 3.5.
When is the Genshin Impact version 3.5 release date?
Genshin Impact 3.5 launches on March 1, 2023. If it’s anything like past updates, it will actually come out the day before on February 28 at around 9 p.m. Eastern.
What are the Genshin Impact version 3.5 character banners?
The Genshin Impact 3.5 livestream confirmed the following banners:
- Phase 1: Dehya and Cyno
- Phase 2: Ayaka and Shenhe, Mika (4-star)
It also confirmed that Dehya would be added to the standard banner, which the community thinks is a questionable choice when there’s still no standard Geo 5-star to be found. On the bright side, that means that you can get Dehya during any time of year.
What are the Genshin Impact version 3.5 quests?
Genshin Impact 3.5 introduces Chapter III: Act VI, a chapter starring Dainsleif, Kaeya, and a new character called Calibert. The Genshin Impact Sumeru storyline ended with Chapter III: Act V, so Act VI will probably be a transitionary chapter about Khaenri'ah before the Traveler departs for Fontaine.
Chapter III: Act VI should be an interesting one, considering Dainsleif and Kaeya are the only two Khaenri'ahns in the game. Dainsleif is one of Khaenri'ah’s original inhabitants from before the cataclysm. It’s unclear if Kaeya has a similar background or is just a descendant of the fallen country. Meanwhile, players know next to nothing about Calibert (might be the leaked character called “Eide”). Redditors speculate that they could be an Abyss Herald or another kind of enemy.
Genshin Impact 3.5 also adds a story quest for Dehya and hangout events for Faruzan, the four-star Anemo bow character that debuted alongside Scaramouche (the Wanderer).
What are the Genshin Impact version 3.5 events?
The Genshin Impact 3.5 livestream also confirmed the following events for the upcoming update:
- Windblume Festival - A Mondstadt festival that typically takes place in the spring. It’s like a cross between Oktoberfest and Valentine’s Day, where celebrants gift flowers to Barbatos and those they love. Expect shipping shenanigans.
- Vibro-Crystal Research - Another Vibro-Crystal Research event featuring a researcher from Fontaine and their studies on crystals in Liyue’s Chasm. This event might be returning because of the Traveler’s imminent departure for Fontaine.
- Spices from the West - Another Spices from the West event that tasks the Traveler with mixing spices to help a Sumeru researcher with her work. Use these spices in foods and feed them to Serenitea Pot inhabitants to raise their friendship levels.
- Fungus Mechanics - New event
What else is coming in Genshin Impact version 3.5?
Players can claim additional rewards for completing Archon Quests, including one Intertwined Fate per Archon Quest starting in the Genshin Impact 3.5 update. These rewards will be available to anyone who completes the quests, regardless of how long ago they completed them. That adds up to approximately 22 Intertwined Fates that players can claim from their Tour Guide.