Update 3.0 for Genshin Impact is finally here, and the exploration of Sumeru has begun. In this game version’s banners, Tighnari, the very first 5-star character of the new Dendro element, is one of the highlights. This guide will show you how to equip Tighnari in Genshin Impact with the best weapons and artifacts, and which team compositions suit the Sumeru ranger best.
Genshin Impact Tighnari: Best Weapons

Tighnari is the perfect showcase character for the Dendro element – his abilities are simple and easy to understand, his damage output is considerable, and he’s excellent at activating Dendro reactions with other elements. Therefore, the role of a team’s main DPS character ideally falls to him. Because a large portion of his damage comes from his charged shot, this is a critical aspect for his weapon selection.
Fortunately, update 3.0 provides the perfect solution to the question of the Ranger’s best weapon with the 5-star bow Hunter’s Path, which accompanied the release of Tighnari as a signature weapon. It increases the user’s critical hit rate. Also, the bow increases elemental damage and boosts the damage of charged attacks based on Elemental Mastery when you hit enemies with such a charged shot. This effect lasts for ten seconds or for a dozen charged attacks.
Alternatively, the following weapons are suitable for Tighnari:
- Amos’ Bow (5-star weapon) – increases the damage of normal and targeted attacks.
- The Viridescent Hunt (4-star weapon) – randomly creates a wind effect on hits.
- Windblume Ode (4-star weapon) – increases Attack after elemental abilities.
- Prototype Crescent (4-star weapon) – increases Speed and Attack on hits against weak points with charged shots; craftable and therefore a good free-to-play option.
Genshin Impact Tighnari: Best Artifacts

Update 3.0 has brought new artifact sets in addition to weapons into the game – and for Tighnari, that is good news. Deepwood Memories increases Dendro damage by 15 percent with two pieces equipped, and from four pieces onward it reduces the target’s Dendro resistance by 30 percent for eight seconds after hits with the elemental ability or special ability. This effect can be triggered even if the character equipped with it is inactive.
Pay attention to the following distribution of values, which concentrates on damage as well as Elemental Mastery:
- Plume: Attack (main stat), Critical Damage, Critical Hit Rate, Elemental Mastery, Attack % (sub stats).
- Flower: HP (main stat), Critical Damage, Critical Hit Rate, Elemental Mastery, Attack % (sub stats).
- Sands: Attack % (main stat), Critical Damage, Critical Hit Rate, Elemental Mastery, Attack % (sub stats).
- Goblet: Dendro Damage % (main stat), Critical Damage, Critical Hit Rate, Elemental Mastery, Attack % (sub stats).
- Circlet: Critical Damage (main stat), Critical Damage, Critical Hit Rate, Elemental Mastery, Attack % (sub stats).
However, there is an alternative in case you don’t have a strong set of Deepwood Memories at hand yet – it is new after all: Wanderer’s Troupe not only helps you with 80 points in Elemental Mastery, but also drastically increases the damage of charged shots at four equipped pieces.
If you have another Dendro character in the party that already carries Deepwood Memories, you can switch to Gilded Dreams with Tighnari, which greatly increases elemental damage for the entire squad.
How do you play Tighnari?

Tighnari’s optimal rotation follows a familiar line: first, your off-field DPS characters and supports take their turn and use their respective abilities to soak the battlefield in their elements.
Then switch to Tighnari and use his special ability. Afterward, ideally, fire three charged shots – this is done very rapidly thanks to the special ability you just activated. If you have collected enough energy, follow this up with your Elemental Burst before you return to the first step. If you still don’t have enough energy, go to the first step immediately and just use the Elemental Burst next time you get to that phase of the rotation.
Genshin Impact Tighnari: Best Teams

Which characters work well with Tighnari? An exciting aspect of the Dendro character is the opening up of fresh team compositions to take advantage of this element’s new reactions. For example, a strong team with Tighnari is:
- Tighnari (Main DPS), Collei (Sub DPS), Fischl (Off-Field DPS), Kuki Shinobu (Support).
Tighnari and Collei generate the new Dendro Resonance for the team, which greatly boosts Dendro reactions, while Fischl constantly brings the Electro element to the field with her raven Oz and acts as a battery to charge abilities. Kuki provides healing and Electro Resonance, generating more energy to charge.
- Tighnari (Main DPS), Raiden (Off-Field DPS), Yae Miko (Off-Field DPS), Kokomi (Support).
Collei is currently the only other Dendro character, but Tighnari also works quite well without the resonance. Raiden generates more energy than Fischl and contributes more constant Electro damage, Yae Miko is an outstanding Off-Field DPS character and provides the Electro Resonance along with the Shogun. Kokomi or Bennett make good choices as healers, as both Hydro and Pyro can also react with Dendro.
The Tighnari-double-electro combination can be supplemented at will with characters such as Zhongli, Kazuha or Diona – note, however, that they do not generate reactions with Dendro.
Applying the same principles, a good free-to-play team could look like this:
- Tighnari (Main DPS), Collei (Sub DPS), Lisa (Off-Field DPS), Barbara (Support).
Since Tighnari will appear on the standard banner from version 3.1 onwards, you’ll be able to fill his constellation out with time, making him an even stronger option. If you can’t wait to make a Dendro-centric team, he’s definitely a strong choice.
Written by Marco Wutz on behalf of GLHF.