Genshin Impact’s astrology student Layla is constantly overtired and sleepwalking – fortunately, this is not only not a problem when she’s in combat, but actually very helpful. The Cryo character surrounds herself with a powerful shield after suddenly falling asleep, keeping her fellow team members alive with her – plus Layla’s cheap and long-lasting Elemental Burst provides constant Cryo afflications. How to make the most of this package and equip Layla ideally is explained in this build guide.
Genshin Impact Layla: Best Weapons

Let’s get one thing straight up front: unfortunately, Layla doesn’t deal much damage, so her shield and the ability to constantly produce Cryo effects are her only advantages. Since her skills scale with maximum Health, you should design Layla’s equipment primarily around this stat. Add to this some Elemental Mastery and Energy Recharge to make reactions triggered by her even more devastating and to compensate for her weak particle generation, and you have a rounded out build.
Among the game’s weapons, the Key Of Khaj-Nisut, the most recent 5-star sword, is Layla’s best choice. Not only does the sword boost her HP tremendously, but it triggers an effect that increases the Elemental Mastery of the entire squad based on the wielder’s maximum HP.
Alternative weapons for Layla are:
- Freedom-Sworn (5-star sword) – increases Elemental Mastery, increases Attack of the entire team.
- Favonius Sword (4-star sword) – increases Energy Recharge, creates energy particles.
Genshin Impact Layla: Best Artifacts

A character scales with HP? Check. A character relies primarily on shields? Check. Experienced players know what this means: Tenacity of the Millelith is the best artifact set for Layla. If she wears two pieces of the set, her HP increases by 20 percent. Once she wears four pieces, she gets an elemental ability increase to the Attack and Shield Efficiency of the whole team.
Other than that, a full set of Noblesse Oblige is the only other choice that makes sense.
This is how the sub stats should ideally look like:
- Plume: Attack (main stat), HP %, Critical Hit Rate, Critical Damage, Energy Recharge (sub stats).
- Flower: HP (main stat), HP %, Critical Hit Rate, Critical Damage, Energy Recharge (sub stats).
- Sands: HP % (main stat), Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery, Critical Hit Rate, Critical Damage (sub stats).
- Goblet: HP % (main stat), Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery, Critical Hit Rate, Critical Damage (sub stats).
- Circlet: HP % (main stat), Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery, Critical Hit Rate, Critical Damage (sub stats).
Genshin Impact Layla: Best Teams

Layla works great in teams that rely on the Freeze reaction or physical damage.
In a team with two each of Cryo and Hydro characters, both elemental resonances are present – for Layla, the presence of Hydro Resonance is especially beneficial because the resulting increase in HP also boosts all of her skills. Ayaka provides the main damage, while Yelan, Layla, and Kokomi contribute their off-field effects.
Xingqiu is a good replacement for Yelan, Barbara for Kokomi.
- Eula (Main DPS), Shenhe (Sub DPS), Layla (Support), Shinobu (Support).
- Keqing (Main DPS), Fischl (Sub DPS), Layla (Support), Dori (Support).
These teams rely primarily on physical damage, with Layla taking the role of shield support. In the second constellation, she also provides Cryo effects to create effective reactions with the Electro attacks by the rest of the team.
- Hu Tao (Main DPS), Yelan (Sub DPS), Xingqiu (Sub DPS), Layla (Support).
Melt teams are another use for Layla, who again benefits from Hydro Resonance in this group. Instead of Hu Tao, characters like Diluc or Yoimiya are strong options as primary DPS characters.
Written by Marco Wutz on behalf of GLHF.