After booting up the free-to-play RPG Genshin Impact for the first time, you'll likely be tempted to bolster your team with new characters by using the game's gatcha system. Even though you don't need to spend real-world money to take advantage of this random-chance mechanic to earn new heroes and weapons, you might be tempted to do so. Below, we've put together a short primer on the need-to-know basics of how Wishes, Banners, and the Pity system works in miHoYo's expansive game.
What is gatcha in Genshin Impact?
Gatcha systems are often employed by free-to-play mobile titles feature a wide cast of characters, like Fire Emblem Heroes or Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Essentially, it refers to any game where you unlock new party members by paying an in-game currency to make a random draw from a pool of characters. There might be multiple pools, each with different weighted options available. Players can usually increase their chances to receive something favorable by paying more real money and drawing from a specific pool more frequently.
Banners in Genshin Impact are divided into two types: rate-up Banners and standard Banners. Rate-up Banners are pools that can only be accessed for a limited time and feature a specific character, while standard Banners are permanent fixtures in Genshin Impact. You can draw from either using "Wishes." Each Wish gets you a single draw from the Banner pool.
Wishes can be purchased using two in-game currencies. Intertwined Fate Wishes are for rate-up Banners, and Acquaint Fate is used for standard Banners. Alternatively, you can use Primogems as a universal currency. 160 Primogems will always get you a single pull, no matter which Banner you're trying your luck at.
What are the best Genshin Impact Banners to pull from?
If you're starting out and looking to reinforce your party with some new characters, you should prioritize rate-up Banners. Those characters will often be stronger than the ones found in the standard Banner. This is particularly true when the rate-up Banner is a top-tier character like Venti, who is widely believed to be the best character in Genshin Impact.
You'll occasionally receive free Acquaint Fate for completing in-game tasks. That should be the only time you try the standard Banner.
How does Pity work in Genshin Impact?
Because gatcha systems are always totally randomized, players can make many Wishes in Genshin Impact without getting the character(s) they want. To balance this out, the game incorporates a pity system, which means that if you don't pull a desirable item a certain number of times in a row, you'll be guaranteed one eventually.
That means if you go nine consecutive pulls without drawing anything that has at least four stars, you're guaranteed a four-star weapon or character on your tenth pull. To continue, if you endure 89 pulls without gaining a five-star reward, you're guaranteed something with five stars on your ninetieth pull.
Banners in Genshin Impact stockpile Pity based on the currency used. For example, if you make 89 pulls from a standard banner, you can't switch to the rate-up banner to receive a guaranteed five-star draw. Instead, you need to make 90 total draws using either Acquaint Fate or Intertwined Fate to obtain a guaranteed five-star reward.
Rate-up luck Pity carries over to the next rate-up Banner. If Venti leaves Genshin Impact as you're preparing your ninetieth pull, your first pull on the next rate-up Banner will be guaranteed to be a five-star draw.
Is it better to save for 10 wishes in Genshin Impact?
Genshin Impact gives you a choice to make either single Wishes or perform 10 Wishes at once. When given this option, you should almost always choose single Wishes. Your chance to obtain the desired reward doesn't differ between pulling one at a time or 10 at once. Either way, pity will be invoked after 10 pulls.
If you pull items one at a time, you'll possibly save some precious Primogems. Imagine you're attempting to unlock Venti. If you manage to do so on your twenty-seventh pull, you'll save three gems that can be used on another banner. If you pulled 10 at once, you would've wasted three Primogems.
There is no benefit to spending more Primogems at once, so don't do it.
Read also: Everything we know about the Genshin Impact version 1.1 and the 2021 roadmap.