The greedy merchant Dori has arrived in Genshin Impact during the second half of game version 3.0, bringing with her an interesting kit of abilities. This makes the claymore-wielding Electro character a support unit, ideal for recharging her team’s energy reserves. This guide will show you how to best equip Dori for this task in Genshin Impact.
Genshin Impact Dori: best weapons

For Dori, two attributes are particularly important: on the one hand, that’s her hit points (HP), as they boost the effectiveness of her abilities, and on the other hand, that’s her Energy Recharge. While the merchant charges her allies’ energy with her own abilities, she herself is also an energy hog, as her value as a support lies primarily in her Elemental Burst.
Therefore, the 4-star weapon Sacrificial Greatsword is ideally suited for Dori. It provides Energy Recharge as a primary attribute and comes with a 40% chance of skipping ability cooldowns.
Alternatively, the following weapons are suitable for Dori as well:
- Skyward Pride (5-star Claymore) – increases Energy Recharge and Damage, produces a damaging effect.
- Favonius Greatsword (4-star Claymore) – increases Energy Recharge, generates energy particles on critical hits.
- Katsuragikiri Nagamasa (4-star Claymore) – increases Energy Recharge, passively generates energy; craftable and therefore a good free-to-play option.
- The Bell (4-star Claymore) – increases HP, creates a protective shield.
Genshin Impact Dori: best artifacts

HP and Energy Recharge also set the tone for artifacts. To strengthen both aspects, combine two parts of Tenacity of the Millelith, which provides 20 percent more HP, with two parts of Emblem of Severed Fate, which packs 20 percent on top of your Energy Recharge. This way, you’ll ensure that you’re consistently gathering enough energy for Dori’s Elemental Burst while also allowing it to have a strong effect.
Alternatively, you can rely on a full set of Emblem of Severed Fate to maximize Dori’s personal damage, or use Noblesse Oblige to support the entire team’s damage.
Pay attention to the following distribution of stats when choosing your artifacts:
- Plume: Attack (main stat), Energy Recharge, HP %, Elemental Mastery (sub stats).
- Flower: HP (main stat), Energy Recharge, HP %, Elemental Mastery (sub stats).
- Sands: Energy Recharge (main stat), Energy Recharge, HP %, Elemental Mastery (sub stats).
- Goblet: HP % (main stat), Energy Recharge, HP %, Elemental Mastery (sub stats).
- Circlet: Healing % (main stat), Energy Recharge, HP %, Elemental Mastery (sub stats).
Genshin Impact Dori: best teams

Which teams could benefit from having Dori as a battery? A composition with two Electro and two Cryo characters would be a good choice:
Eula acts as the main DPS of the team with her Cryo damage as well as her physical damage. She is supported on one side by Shenhe, who provides Cryo effects and boosts the physical damage of the group, and on the other side by Raiden Shogun. She provides Electro effects for reactions and also serves as a battery to charge the team’s abilities. She is supported in both areas by Dori, who also ensures that the team stays on its feet with her healing.
This composition can also be played with Rosaria instead of Shenhe and Fischl instead of Raiden.
Other strong teams with Dori include:
- Yoimiya (Main DPS), Raiden (Sub DPS), Kazuha (Support), Dori (Support).
- Childe (Main DPS), Yae Miko (Sub DPS), Xingqiu (Sub DPS), Dori (Support).
These compositions work in the same way: Dori is mainly an off-field character, activating her abilities and then making way for the other units to do their jobs.
Written by Marco Wutz on behalf of GLHF.