When it comes to General Hospital’s Ava (Maura West) she’s playing a very dangerous game manipulating Sonny (Maurice Benard) and isolating him from his family. Everyone besides the kingpin can see what she’s doing, and yet, Ava hasn’t been deterred in her pursuit of getting Sonny all to herself. We aren’t exactly sure if she just wants to be with him romantically or is also seeking the keys to his underworld kingdom. Regardless, Ava has a bit of a target on her back as far as Carly (Laura Wright), Nina (Cynthia Watros) and others are concerned.
We haven’t even brought up the fact that Ava has knowledge that Sonny’s bipolar medication has been tampered with and has decided to keep that info to herself. While Valentin (James Patrick Stuart) is responsible for this particular form of treachery, Ava is likely going to be blamed when Sonny does realize what’s going on — and for good reason.
Loyal General Hospital fans will recall that once upon a time, Ava tampered with Morgan’s (Bryan Craig) bipolar medication, and that led to him eventually making bad decisions and his ultimate demise. For years, Carly and Sonny placed some blame at Ava’s doorstep for their son’s murder, but they’ve managed to quiet their rage (Carly as best she can given she still loathes Ava).

It’s quite remarkable how big of a turnaround Sonny has been able to make with Ava, moving her into his penthouse, especially when you consider he also blamed her for Connie’s (Kelly Sullivan) death. In that scenario, Ava actually did murder her but managed to avoid a lengthy stint in prison.
Having said all of that, once Sonny awakens from his fog of confusion and realizes what Ava has been up to lately and blames her for his recent erratic behavior, she may find she only has two options as he unleashes his wrath. Either she meets a deadly end or she flees town. Sonny may not be so generous to let Ava live again after such betrayal.
The problem with the idea of Ava leaving town is she would have to do so in a hurry and would likely want to take Avery (Ava & Grace Scarola) with her. Considering Avery is also Sonny’s child, she may not get that wish. Even if Ava wants to escape Port Charles on her own, she’d likely need some help. But who could she turn to?

If Ava does find a last-minute hero, we think it may be Nikolas (Adam Huss). Yes, the Cassedine heir is currently serving a sentence in Pentonville for what he did to Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl), but Ava has paid him a visit and shared she was getting close to Sonny. He gave her a warning, but clearly she didn’t listen. Will she now go to him and hear his chants of "I told you so," hoping he can help her?
Not for nothing, Nikolas may be locked away in prison but he’s a man of considerable wealth and resources. Even from behind bars, we imagine he can help sneak Ava out of town. Plus, he still loves her and would probably do what he can to make sure she stays alive.
Although we can’t be absolutely certain what will happen to Ava at this point, we’re pretty sure she’s not going to like the consequences.
New episodes of General Hospital air on weekdays on ABC. If you miss an episode, you can catch up on Hulu.