Is youth wasted on the young? Should we respect our elders? Are popular opinions amongst different age groups really that polarising? GEN TALKS digs into the generation divide by giving a rotating set of Gen Z, Millennial, and Gen X representatives a chance to explain themselves.
This month, we’re talking hedonism, or, more specifically, who can afford to be hedonistic. Much has been said about Gen Z drinking and going out less, but a tweet that recently did the rounds—amassing 1.2m views and nearly 20k likes asks—“if the notorious Gen Z puritanism thing is less an organic social shift and more them being priced out of hedonism. Four pints and a pack of cigarettes is £50 now.” We put the question to our Gen Z reps to find out if there’s any truth to it.
“I grew up quite a lonely child and didn’t really start drinking properly until I was about 18/19, but throughout history, there have always been those who can and can’t afford to be hedonistic. I think the parameters by which we measure ‘hedonism’ have largely changed. Sure, the blackout drunk club night may have lost its audience, but the rave (legal or otherwise) is still loved by Gen Z, as is the local (cheaper) pub and the wine bar.”

“There are a multitude of reasons why Gen Z drink less, all of them highly sensible: mental health, physical health, an increased interest in wellness (which generally means boozing far less) and having much less money. However, while we’re drinking less, the stats show we’re paying far more per bottle, so the luxury or mid-range wine market is showing an increased interest in this generation. We care about ecological and social sustainability and are more sympathetic to the struggles of independent businesses — we’re prepared to pay more for things we care about. In a capitalist society, there are only so many ways you can really stick it to the man with your money — but I think blowing it all at an illegal rave is one of them.”
We care about ecological and social sustainability and are more sympathetic to the struggles of independent businesses — we’re prepared to pay more for things we care about.
Hannah Crosbie

“I think some of it is an organic social shift. Our love for sobriety, celibacy and ‘body is a temple’-core probably is some post-binge-drinking reaction. I’ve seen too much pink sick to want that in my 20s. With an indie sleaze aesthetic on the horizon, I wonder what the excessive and indulgent hedonistic lifestyle that came with it will look like now. I’m kind of here for teens being a bit stupid - it’s when you’re allowed to make mistakes. Most likely, you have some sort of family looking out for you, unlike those who got to uni, found hardcore partying for the first time and ended up on year-long benders. But it definitely doesn’t look the same; you’re not buying 10g of baccy for £3. Kids are resourceful, though, and there’ll always be a cheap alternative.”
With an indie sleaze aesthetic on the horizon, I wonder what the excessive and indulgent hedonistic lifestyle that came with it will look like now.
Sarah Hawke

“All these years later, I am A.) shocked that I came to that decision at such a young age when there was so much peer pressure, but also B.) happy that I was able to choose whether I wanted to start drinking or not. This is something that I don’t think a lot of people have at the moment with the financial situation. I have witnessed more and more friends become fully sober - all of these have been due to the current cost of living crisis. As much as my Gen Z friends have a strong interest in health and wellness, they’re more preoccupied with autonomy and having the freedom to choose whether they want to drink or not. They feel like they have a lack of hedonism compared to other generations. There are also Gen Z-ers who have opted out purely for health reasons. For me, it’s a case of protecting my mental health. Plus, the taste is just not it.”
For me, it’s a case of protecting my mental health. Plus, the taste is just not it.
Sofia Piza