Sam Smith was supported by none other than Gemma Collins who said they need to "f**k" the people who criticise their choices.
The Latch hitmaker recently performed to a sold-out crowd at London's O2 Arena having already performed across the country where they were snapped posing with fans.
Now, none other than former The Only Way Is Essex star Gemma Collins and DJ'ing royalty Fat Tony were on hand to lend their support and offer some inspiring words of advice to the 30-year-old ahead of their set.
It's believed that Gemma was "personally invited" by Sam to meet the singer backstage following their performance on the GLORIA tour.

Taking to Instagram, reality star Gemma, 42, shared a video of her and Fat Tony meeting Sam and having an in-depth conversation with the musician.
"It p***es me off when people talk s**t," she said before adding: "We get it, I get it," while Sam commented: "I know but you've just got to ignore it."
She went on to fume: "Yeah, keep being fabulous, just f**k them, you're major."
Meanwhile, Fat Tony added: "You stump them by doing what you're doing, that's it."
"We're having so much fun," Sam commented before Tony went on to say: "What can they say? They hate it and you stump them and you carry on doing it bigger and better than ever.

"F**k the lot of them," before Gemma commented: "I'm so happy, I just think you're gorgeous."
Sharing the video on Instagram, Gemma penned: "Sam Smith is a creative genius a world-class talent.
"I am absolutely shocked at the media coverage about the concert it was ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING the singing the dancing the sheer class of the performance the imagination the creativity @dj_fattony_ and myself are so baffled by the crappy Karen non-visionary peoples comments get a grip."
"If you don’t have the vison or foresight to see it’s a performance a show a moment."
She went on to write: "Sams message in the show was FREEDOM to be who you want to be.
"Sam speaks up for all us individuals and as I say F‘em !!! KEEP SHINING KEEP BEING the CREATIVE FORCE and LIGHT. I love you."
Prior to her upload, Gemma shared a video on her Stories, dancing and singing with Sam as she recalling some of their lyrics before describing their meeting as "such a moment".
She added: "It's moments like this I will never forget when @samsmith personally invites you to come meet before the show and enjoy the concert #wow."