Home is…
East Sussex, in the countryside with my husband Rory, our son and our dog. I’ve lived here for nearly three years, and before that I was in Battersea, which was my stomping ground for 15 years. It’s crazy how it’s changed. I went back to the Battersea Power Station and was like, “What the fuck?” I couldn’t find my way around. I used to go to Battersea Park all the time.
Where do you stay in London?
It varies. The good thing about not living in London now is you can be on holiday in London. I usually stay at the Ham Yard Hotel, or Kettners. The real luxury one is Claridges – but that’s for special occasions.
Where did you first live in London?
My first flat was in West Kensington. It was a basement flat, basically a cellar – it stank of damp – but I didn’t care. I loved it and stayed for about a year, then moved to Brixton where I lived for ages.
What was your first job in London?
When I was a student I had a few. The first was as a barmaid in a pub called The Duke of Sussex, which is in Waterloo by the Old Vic theatre – actors from there and the National would come in a lot – and I was the karaoke hostess on Friday and Saturday nights. My go-to karaoke song is Total Eclipse of the Heart, and I also like doing Rapture by Blondie because of the rap, which I can’t do but I try. Back then I sang a lot of ballads. The landlord was a bit of a gangster and he loved ballads, so he’d say, “Go on and do a bit of Celine Dion”, so I did that.
Where would you recommend for a first date?
I like being outside and in nature, so I’d choose Wimbledon Common, a walk around the woods with a really nice warm coffee or hot chocolate, ending up in one of the cosy pubs nearby. There’s one called the Hand in Hand, which is very cosy.
What shops do you rely on in London?
I’m such a sucker for Liberty, I love it and always have done, and I love Daunt books. There’s also a vintage shop in Portobello called Found and Vision, which is nicely curated. I go to The Conran Shop and Choosing Keeping in Covent Garden, which has the most amazing stationery. It’s lovely.

What’s the best meal you’ve had in London?
The best meal I ever had was at the Ledbury. It was when my husband proposed to me. Not actually there, but as part of the proposal we went there because one of his best friends was the maître d’ at the time and it was amazing – insane.
What would you do if you were mayor of London for the day?
There are loads of earnest things I would do, but what would be fun is if they closed all the thoroughfares through central London like Regent Street, Oxford Street and Soho and made it a bouncy castle or put in trampolines and people bounced around. In the summer, obviously.
What’s the best thing a London cabbie has said to you?
My uncle Dave is a London cabbie, and he’s said a load of nice things to me. He’s a real punk, the punk cabbie. He’s got a big Mohican and is totally cool. A big shout out to my uncle Dave.
Have you ever had a run in with a London policeman?
Yes, about 15 years ago. It was on Christmas Eve and I had been out in my little Mini. I hadn’t had anything to drink but I’m not the best driver, I’m a bit erratic. I was driving Pall Mall way and was pulled over. They breathalised me but I hadn’t had anything to drink. I asked why they pulled me over and they said, “Because you were driving like a drunk person.” I said, “That’s just my driving!”
Who is your most iconic Londoner?
There’s loads but I think it’s David Bowie. There hasn’t been anyone as cool and iconic as David Bowie.

Where in London do you go to let your hair down?
Now I have a small child I just don’t let my hair down. I’d say any friend’s house as that’s the way we let our hair down these days.
Who do you call when you want to have fun in London?
It would be my best friend Syrus Lowe. He knows about London and the scene – you always have fun when you’re with him.
What’s your biggest extravagance?
It’s pretty boring: it’s my house – we renovating right now, and that’s the biggest extravagance of my life.
What’s your London secret?
The Chelsea Physic Garden. I love it, especially because it’s hidden, it really is a secret garden and whenever I’m in London with a bit of time to kill it’s where I go.
What are you up to for work?
I’m in a show called Culprits, which is coming to ITV. I play a baddie, it’s very against type. There was an amazing cast and I had to be a boss woman and wear all these outlandish costumes, and it was just great… Because in roles I’m usually really cheeky or super depressed, it was nice to be someone who’s in control… and rob a bank.
Who’s your professional hero?
I’m a massive fan of [director] Andrea Arnold, whose from my neck of the woods in Kent. I just love her films and what she does. I also love David Lynch. Actor-wise, I love Kate Winslet, she’s just so amazing.

What do you collect?
I’m not much of a collector, but I do collect rocks and minerals. I’ve probably got about 15 that are notable, dotted around the house. People who know me, know it’s something to get me if they want to buy me a present. They’re from places that mean something. I have brought them back from Brazil, New Zealand. One I’m looking at now is from the Dorset coast.
Is there a podcast you can’t do without?
I always listen to Jesse Ware’s podcast, Table Manners. She’s a friend and we met because of that podcast. It’s really comforting and she gets great guests on and is really good at getting them to relax.
What is your favourite work of art in London?
Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose by John Singer Sargent. It’s a stunning, exquisite painting of two little girls at Tate Britain. When I have time, I do portrait painting and Sargent is a big reference for me. I’m not doing commissions yet, I’m still honing my skills!

What was the last thing you Googled?
This is really sad. I have the weekend to myself with my son, my husband’s away, so I was googling the best indoor waterparks in Sussex. But I found one with a pirate ship.
What’s your favourite beauty/grooming spot in London?
It has to be Sarah Chapman on Pavilion Road, near Sloane Square. She does the most amazing facials ever.
What apps can you not live without?
Citymapper. Even when I lived in London I couldn’t get my head around the Tube map.
Culprits is streaming on ITVx from December 19