SURAT THANI: The carcass of a dead gaur, with only the head remaining, was found by a villager in his plantation near the boundary of Khao Sok National Park in Phanom district of this southern province on Sunday.
The plantation owner, a villager from Ban Bang Nin in tambon Phanom, reported the discovery to Somjate Janthana, chief of the Khao Sok National Park, who subsequently sent park officials to the site for examination.
The officials found the carcass was of a large gaur whose age could not be determined because it had mostly decomposed, with only the head and the horns remaining.
The animal was believed to have died about one month previously. Samples of the carcass were taken for further examination.
Mr Somjate said the carcass had been buried. Since it had completely decayed, it would be difficult to find the cause of death, he added.
Prasong Intapat, the kamnan of tambon Phanom, said he had warned villagers not to harm gaurs if they were spotted among their cows because they are protected animals.
Gaurs were reported to have been sighted near the Ratchaprapa Dam in Khao Sok National Park.