A holiday abroad is often seen as the perfect a time to relax, unwind, and enjoy the sun.
But for Denise Alberts, from Bensham, her holiday to Mexico last year was the moment she knew she had to make a big change and "start a new chapter" in her life. The 61-year-old said she struggled with the heat so much because of her weight.
And just two days after she landed back in the North East, she joined a slimming group with the hope of making changes to her lifestyle.
Read more: Incredible transformations from 12 super slimmers who shed over 100 stone
Denise, who works as a Team Leader for the NHS before she retired, said: "On the day I joined the group I was ready to start a new chapter in my life and lose the weight to make me feel better with myself both mentally and health wise."
She added: "The main reason for joining was to get my Asthma under control which last year whilst at my heaviest wasn't controlled at all. [I also wanted] to make myself feel happier and confident as my mental health was suffering because of my weight.
"When on holiday last year in Mexico I struggled with the heat because of my size and weight. I decided once back from holiday I would join Slimming World. We got back on the Monday and I joined on the Wednesday that was end of August."

The grandmother-of-three said that before joining Slimming World she would eat a 'grab bag' of crisps and chocolate daily, as well as biscuits and sweets a couple of times a week. At the weekend she would have a individual cream cake but would never check the 'syns' or calories.
But now she eats a lot more fruit and vegetables on a daily basis, eating fruit with breakfast, a salad for lunch then vegetables with her tea. She explained that she is able to go for long walks and use an exercise bike without getting breathless which she couldn't do prior to loosing weight.
And now she has shed 4st, slimming from a size 16-18 to a size 12-14. She added that she joined the group end of August 2022 and reached her target in less than nine months.
Denise said: "The results have been amazing both mentally and my amazing is finally well controlled. The group was and still is full of very friendly people who welcomed me offering support and advice.
"I love the flexibility that Slimming World foods available to us on plan. I like to eat out regular and there is always something I could choose either free food speed food or low syns you don't have to go without.
She added: "I am much happier and a lot more confident since losing my weight I love the new me. I will continue to go to group now at target and encourage new members.
"I still like to eat chocolate but not on a regular basis when I do always check the syns before eating, choosing the low syns options so I never feel deprived."
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