Anne Lomas bought a goat from a breeder as an idea that children visiting her alpaca farm could walk him but instead the animal has terrorised the local neighbourhood.
Anne bought the animal in 2021 to accompany her Willow Lane Alpacas farm on the fringes of the Lake District in Cumbria
The goat called Gary may look adorable but he has caused carnage in Flookburgh, which sits 10 miles south of Lake Windermere.
Within hours of arriving at the farm, Gary harassed other animals in order to steal their feed while not afraid to headbutt anyone or anything.
Anne told Daily Star : "Gary has been a nightmare from the get go.
"Pretty much the first day he was here he broke into the hen shed and started chasing them around and eating their feed.
"Within a few days I had to separate him from the other goats because he kept headbutting them with his horns.
"I put him in with the alpacas as they’re bigger than him and can handle him, but before long he started escaping.”

The alpaca farm owner has received calls from locals in nearby Grange-Over-Sands saying that the mischievous goat has been stealing their underwear and would "turn up with bras and pants on his head" after taking them off washing lines.
His erratic behaviour does not stop with just animals, Gary terrified customers by jumping on their picnic tables and eating their lunch.
He once broke into someone's house, with the owner finding him asleep in the living room, while he has also become adept at bursting footballs with his sharp horns, which Anne has tried to tackle by putting foam pool noodles on them but he just "shakes them off".
Gary has become a local celebrity after Anne started filming him on the TikTok page created for alpacas and his naughty antics has seen him gain more than 17,000.

Despite his popularity, Anne came to the end of her tether in January when the goat went too far and bit a farmer's bottom.
As a result, she decided to summon Gary to a makeshift court and found him guilty of charges including assault, criminal damage and theft.
Anne said: "Now when he’s naughty he has time out in what we’ve dubbed the pr*** paddock.
"It gives him time to think about his actions and to give the other animals a break from his bullying."
Anne admitted that Gary does drive her "round the bend" but will not be parting with the goat due to her love for the animal.