Reinstated Match of the Day host Gary Lineker is urging MPs to vote to stop animal parts bagged by hunters reaching the UK.
The 62-year-old BBC star has signed a letter from stars backing the Mirror’s campaign to outlaw the vile sport, and ban sick “trophies” from being imported.
Others signatories include Dame Joanna Lumley, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, Sir Michael Parkinson and Frank Bruno.
There are fears the vital vote may not become law as many MPs will be absent.
The letter reads: “On Friday, MPs will debate a bill to stop British trophy hunters bringing home the heads and bodies of their victims. However, the Commons could be inquorate, as most MPs will be in their constituencies.
“The bill echoes manifesto commitments of both the Conservatives and Labour, is backed by all other parties, and enjoys overwhelming support from voters. Yet barely half the MPs needed for a vote to be valid say they will attend.”

The Mirror is calling on readers to contact their MP to urge them to attend - scroll down to use our tool
This is not the first time Lineker has condemned trophy hunting.
After the wife of US National Rifle Association chief Wayne LaPierre killed an elephant, cut off its tail and held the trophy in the air in a video, he tweeted: “How could you do this? Truly abhorrent.”
And when the Mirror reported Boris Johnson had abandoned his pledge to ban trophy imports, Lineker earned more than 12,000 likes with the one-word tweet: “What??”
Readers and campaigners were also shocked when, in 2020, we told how British trophy hunter Paul Roberts boasted that his bloodthirsty hobby is like “mainlining on heroin”.