Canberra's walk-in clinic for COVID positive patients will reduce its hours from Wednesday afternoon, in a move Canberra Health Services said will allow staff to be redeployed to high demand areas.
Since the clinic opened to COVID patients in January, it has been accessible between the hours of 7.30am to 10pm, but this will change to 8.30am to 5pm.
It services COVID-positive patients who need treatment non-life-threatening injury or illness, including management of their coronavirus symptoms.
In a statement, CHS said "the vast majority of patients have attended during business hours" but also acknowledged high demand and staffing shortages are being felt across the territory's health facilities.
"Canberra Health Services is currently experiencing very high demand across its facilities at the same time as facing staff shortages due to COVID-19, other illness and approved leave," CHS said in its release.
"It is likely we will see further changes to opening hours for some of our services."
Staffing shortages forced the early closure of one of Canberra's two testing locations on Thursday, with team members redeployed to Canberra Hospital.
Canberra's COVID Care@Home team, Canberra After hours Locum Medical Service (CALMS) and Health Direct will be accessible to coronavirus patients requiring care after-hours, CHS said.
The surge centre has served multiple purposes throughout the pandemic, including as a vaccination clinic and a testing site.