At the height of its popularity, Game of Thrones was one of the biggest shows on TV. As a result, the GOT cast that played denizens of Westeros were made into celebrities, even for those with smaller roles. That includes celebrated body builder Hafthor Bjornsson, who was Gregor Clegane aka the Mountain Who Rides. Unfortunately, that same athlete/actor recently tore his pectoral muscles off in a horrifying weightlifting accident.
While he’s known for TV addicts as Sir Gregor, Bjornsson is super successful and well-respected strongman who was even named the Strong Man. But not even The Mountain is immune to injuries, as we saw this week when he had a bench press accident in the midst of competition. According to the New York Post, said injury resulted in him tearing his pec muscles off the bone. You can actually see the incident in a video that’s been circulating on Twitter, but beware that the sounds of the incident are pretty disturbing.
Thor tears his pec pic.twitter.com/KKdWwHg4FYApril 15, 2023
Ouch. This certainly seems like a harrowing incident, one that the Game of Thrones actor will presumably have to spend a great deal of time recovering from. Because after a reported 556 pounds ended up sitting on his chest, his pecs ended up being severely injured. We’ll just have to wait and see how long it’ll take for him to be able to once again compete in strong man competitions.
This accident occured on April 15th, so the injuries are no doubt still very fresh for Hafthor Bjornsson and his loved ones. And since the injury was recorded online, it’s sure to quickly go viral. Although squeamish people out there might wish they hadn’t seen it.
For the hulking athlete’s part, he’s taken to social media outlets like YouTube and Instagram to offer updates on his medical journey, and thank the public for their thoughts. His post on the latter account shows the way his pecs are looking after the tear, and they look painful. Check it out below:
Despite the painful injury hat’s already circulating around online, it certainly does seem like Bjornsson is in good spirits. Hopefully he’ll be able to recover, despite just how awful the incident sounds… literally. But we’ve seen him go through some serious body transformations before, especially when Bjornsson 100 pounds. Plus, we saw him go through worse as The Mountain throughout Game of Thrones, esseentially becoming a zombie in the process.
The world of Westeros continues to be part of pop culture, with HBO leaning into the IP more with the prequel series House of the Dragon (which is returning for Season 2) The network also recently confirmed that yet another Game of Thrones series in in development. Could this mean House Clegane will return? It certainly seems likely.
It’s unclear when House of The Dragon will return for Season 2, but production is expected to begin any day. In the meantime, check out the TV premiere list to plan your next binge watch.