Local Gaelic backers have welcomed a cash injection from the national body responsible for promoting and fostering the language.
Bòrd na Gàidhlig has awarded £3,500 to local group Gàidhlig Dumgal to carry forward its work in the region.
Classes are currently ongoing at Castle Douglas Community Centre every Wednesday evening with tutor Sarah Stevenson.
Sarah, a former head teacher at Palnackie Primary School, said: “ Gaelic is something to be celebrated – just as the Scots language should be.
“I’m passionate about languages – it’s an honour to be able to teach Gaelic in my home town.”
Sarah, who has passed her National 5 Gaelic exams and is now studying for her Higher, added: “So many place names here are Gaelic – now it’s about bringing the language alive.”
Anyone interested in joining Sarah’s class at Castle Douglas can email gaidhligsarah@btinternet.com.
Proposal for funding for Gaelic projects can be emailed to tabhartas@gaidhlig.scot or phone 07584 103 944.