A double lung transplant recipient who is now facing another transplant due to kidney failure from Covid-19, is hoping the new Human Tissue Bill will cut waiting lists and allow more people to 'move on with their lives.'
Although currently being assessed for a kidney transplant, three time marathon runner David Crosby has pledged he will again walk or crawl another gruelling race in time and reach his ultimate goal of completing six of the contests.
David faced the race of his life last year when he spent 66 days in hospital after contracting Covid-19. He was placed in a medically induced coma as doctors tried to save him
He was told he may not survive and endured the 'hardest ever conversation' as he said a possible goodbye to his three children
"I can't recall it exactly but my family say I was very strong. In my brain, I remember thinking that this was going to be the most important conversation to have with them. It could be their most important memory of my life for them, how they would remember their dad."
"It was the hardest conversation I have ever had."

Although thankful to be alive, Covid-19 left the 47 year old former Meath GAA player needing dialysis three times a week for acute renal failure.
Initially, medics hoped the kidney function would return but sadly now he is being assessed for a transplant - and a current wait of between two and four years.
The Human Tissue Bill, when in force will hopefully cut that waiting time for David and give him more time with his children
The Bill, which secured cabinet approval for legislation recently, aims to make organ donation the norm when people die, in circumstances where donation is possible.
Discussions would still take place however, with family members before the removal of organs for transplant.
In effect, it should mean that the number of organs available for donation will increase.

"The more time passed, the less likely it was going to be that my sleepy kidneys would wake up," said David who hails from Meath Hill but now lives in Kingscourt, Co. Cavan.
"I was always told after my double transplant that I might need a kidney transplant due to all the medication I was on. But Covid-19 made that possibility a reality.
"I am currently being assessed to see if I'm a suitable recipient and am meeting consultants in the Beaumont Hospital in Dublin in the coming few weeks.
"It's incredibly hard on dialysis. You are shattered all day and unable to do anything with your children.
"I'm also recovering from my second tango with Covid-19. Doctors wanted me to go into hospital but it was agreed with doctors that I would isolate at home with daily phone consultations from my transplant team in the Mater to monitor and manage my symptoms
"I was so weak, I was unable to even move in bed. It brought back a lot of memories and I had to again screen time all my children and my wife Katie.
"Thankfully, I battled against that. My immune system fought back.

"I'll fight back again. This bill could cut waiting times drastically for people like me who just want a chance to move on with their lives.
"I'm told that the waiting time for a kidney for 600 on the list here is between two and four years whereas in the North, where they have a similar opt out system, it's a few weeks for the 60 or so in need of a transplant.
"My brother Ciaran died in 1997 from a similar lung disease to me and he might be still here today if the waiting time for a lung transplant wasn't so long.
"This bill will give life and time to so many people and their families and will give comfort to so many others to know that their loved one has given that precious gift.
"I'd also like to remind people still how important it is to have the chats about their wishes on organ donation with their next of kin
"I will battle on and hopefully will prove to be a candidate for a new kidney. If so, I will be hoping that this bill comes into legislation quickly for me and so many others like me.
"This has only made me more determined to grasp some kind of a normal life again and if I have to crawl or walk it, I will finish another marathon! But first, I need to finish the race I'm in!"
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