GEAR EXPO 2023: At G7th, we aim to take a customer on a journey:
"The ART® system is a huge advance in capo design; it allows for buzz-free capoing and stable tuning on every guitar in my collection."
Tony Polecastro, host of the Acoustic Tuesday Show and Creator of Tony's Acoustic Challenge, Internet Guitar Geek
• We encourage the player to think more deeply about capos and to research them properly before purchase
• To take them seriously and research them. We want players to care about the effect a capo has on their guitar, to be aware of how they feel when they’re using a capo
• To value their capo as much as any other part of their gear
• To change the players’ perception of the capo as a “necessary evil” to that of a tool to remove a barrier to creating their music
• To educate the market that a great capo to a guitarist can be as much a joy as a great knife to a chef and is worth the investment in quality
The G7th Performance 3 Capo with ART®
The G7th Performance 3 Capo with ART® is:
• Premium
• An Iconic design
• Minimum tension required
• Maximum tuning stability
• Unrivaled
The Performance 3 is the culmination of years of designing, tweaking, and improving - but most importantly, listening to guitarists and their views on what a capo SHOULD do.
Now, coupling our Unique Tension ControlTM system with the groundbreaking ART® string pad mechanism gives a near-perfect capo experience.
Perfect for virtually all steel 6-string acoustic, electric or hybrid nylon string guitars.