Furious Leeds locals have blasted Traveller camps after feeling “under siege” and “absolutely over run” over an incident at a little girl's birthday party.
Soldier’s Field in Roundhay has become a magnet for unauthorised camps with several visits every few months. Despite countless reports to West Yorkshire Police and Leeds City Council, the residents feel “left completely alone” and “vulnerable”.
The police force has said it "always listens to concerns of residents" but has to act "legally and proportionally", considering the rights of not only the landowners but the Travelling community as well.
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Locals said the joy of a four-year-old girl's birthday party went awry when a group of Travellers 'hijacked' their bouncy castle.
Residents watched in disbelief as the bouncy castle was taken over by Traveller children who apparently threatened to "rip it and stab it" and also bounced on it.

Members of the North Leeds Cricket Club, located beside Soldier’s Field on Old Park Road, have said the Travellers leave behind a 'trail of destruction'. Most recently, the club had to cancel an event earlier this month when Travellers arrived and had to shut completely during the length of their stay in May.
Club Chairman Steve Wales said: “We’re still finding human faeces around the ground which has been left there. It’s pretty unsightly and it’s pretty disgusting.”
They said local businesses, like the local hairdressers, pubs and restaurants have also reported issues with Travellers.

Steve says the club has suffered losses amounting to almost £10,000, which includes repairs, cancelled events, and stolen property. Even though the club has endured smashed tables, stolen barbecues, ripped netting and damage to the building, club members opened up about the most troubling incident on their site – the day a little girl had her birthday party ruined.
Upset resident Mark Black said: “A little girl was having a birthday party, this place is used for events. The Traveller children just invaded. You wouldn’t believe it. Literally, they gatecrashed the very young child’s birthday party.”
Steve added: “They had to deflate the castle and put it away and tell the guy to pick it up because it was overrun by Traveller children. They were threatening to rip it and stab it with a knife.
“Fortunately, the girl was little enough and didn’t quite understand the dynamics of what was happening. They ushered all the kids into the clubhouse, got the bouncy castle taken down and they had less interest in it once it was deflated.”

Club member Sarah Jackson said she was disturbed when she witnessed Traveller children with a “huge metal pole”, ringing on people’s doorbells and attempting to rummage through people’s post. Her husband John added that over the past five years, the camps have increasingly become a regular occurrence with “two or three visits every couple of months”.
Mick Harvey, a tree surgeon and landscape gardener, has said he gets calls from panicked residents each time a camp arrives at Soldier’s Field.
Mick said: “I could give you story after story. I’ve been robbed now three times. I’ve lost count of the amount of times, I’ve stopped robberies in progress.
“The police do nothing, absolutely nothing. I am sick of this lot here, as soon as they appear. I actually went up to a camp a few years ago and police threatened me with arrest.
“A lot of people won’t say anything because they’re scared.”

The club members added on a few occasions they’ve been told by the police, officers were unable to forcibly remove an encampment under the Section 61 act, as they didn't have a fire arms team available. The police have pointed out that they have used this action on one occasion.
Steve opened up on how it feels every time a new camp arrives on the site, he said: “Oh my god, here we go again – everything tightens up. I’m not a softy but it’s distressing.
“Everyone at this club puts so much effort into this little pocket of land. And to see it just completely undermined and we’re left completely alone.
“We’re under siege, we’re under protected, we’re vulnerable and we basically have to let them smash it up and we’ll have to pick up the pieces afterwards. We have to lock our doors and let them finish what they’re doing. The police won’t do anything because they’re lawless. It’s not just us here, it’s the whole bloody community which is under siege.”
A spokesperson for West Yorkshire Police said: “On May 23, an illegal Traveller encampment moved from Soldiers Field, Roundhay, after a Section 61 notice was served by the police following a comprehensive assessment of the circumstances.
“Using police powers to forcibly remove an illegal encampment is only appropriate in certain circumstances, and where it can be justified as legal and proportionate.
“In relation to an illegal encampment on Soldiers Field, Roundhay, which was reported on June 8, we liaised with the local authority as landowner who sought eviction through the courts.
“Officers from the local neighbourhood policing team increased their patrols of the area to monitor the encampment for any issues during that time.
“We will always listen to the concerns of residents and respond accordingly but we need to act legally and proportionally, striking a balance between the rights of the landowner, the community, and the ^ravellers.”
A Leeds City Council spokesperson said: “Officers have visited the site and are currently evaluating options for a solution, in the same way we do in any area of Leeds. Any issues of criminal damage to property should always be reported to the police.”