A woman has gotten so fed up of people leaving dog mess on the pavements she's put up her own comical sign asking for no more "manure donations".
The resident installed the notice on her street in Grimsby, Lincolnshire, after she and her neighbours became sick of dog owners not picking up after their pets.
But despite the sarcastic sign thanking the public for their "donations", residents say dog owners have continued to "stick two fingers up".
"Whatever you do just doesn't work," said the woman, who didn't want to be named. "It's horrendous."
The sign reads: "Thank you for your donations of manure. We now have enough! No more donations please!".

The resident told Grimsby Live she put up the sign herself after noticing the amount of poo piling up outside her doorstep, which she suspects is because the street is around the corner from a park and popular walking spot.
But despite asking walkers good-humouredly to clean up after their dogs, she claims, if anything, it's only made the problem worse with neighbours finding mess on the street "at least once every few days".
She's now resorting to capturing the culprits on camera.
"So I put [the sign] up two weeks ago, but the problem has been worse since then. I really don't know why.
"We're putting a Ring doorbell camera up to name and shame the culprits.
"I think it's the only way to stop them. Unless you catch somebody in the act it's just a little present there waiting for you every time you step out out onto the pavement."

"It's very regular, it's at least every few days. Not just my house, but all the houses down the block," she added.
"Because once the dogs have the scent of where it's been before, that's then their stopping point. But I'm the one who has to pick it up.
"I don't want to trample it in the house or car, and it's unfair to step over it and expect everyone to do the same, but it's not nice to have to pick it up.
"Everybody is the same down the block, we're all just absolutely sick and tired of it. It's just prolific and it's disgusting.
"If you're a dog owner, you know what a dog does, so be responsible, do the right thing and pick it up and put it in the bin.
"I've tried to be light-hearted about it and say, 'look, this is an issue, can you just be aware', but it seems like they're sticking two fingers up at me."
A Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) is currently in place, meaning anyone caught not picking up after their dog can be fined £100 and be liable for prosecution if they don't pay.
A spokesperson for North East Lincolnshire Council said: “Most dog owners take responsibility for their pets, unfortunately a careless few choose not to.
"Enforcement officers will fine anyone £100 for not picking up after their dog or not carrying a bag or other means to pick up their dog’s mess.”