Funboys is a BBC comedy series about three emotionally immature young men trying to cope with life’s highs and lows. It stars Ryan Dylan, Rian Lennon and Lee Dobbin as friends Callum, Jordan and Lorcan who must deal with everything from first girlfriends to dead pet pigs.
Funboys was previously a short film released by the BBC in 2023 which is still available on IPlayer. Now there's a full series on its way. Writers and stars of the series, Rian Lennon and Ryan Dylan say: "We are so happy to be making a series about the important things in our lives: innocent wholesome fun, growing up, dying, screaming mental health issues, videogames and the ultimate power of friendship."
Here’s everything you need to know about Funboys…
Funboys release date
Funboys is a four-parter that launches on BBC1, BBC3, BBC Northern Ireland and BBCiPlayer in February 2025. When we hear of an exact launch date, we’ll update this page.
Funboys plot
Funboys follows three friends Callum, Jordan and Lorcan, who struggle to take anything seriously. Life is never easy for them though, and they are put through the psychological ringer. But will their love of mucking about land them in trouble?
Funboys main cast — Rian Lennon, Ryan Dylan and Lee Dobbin
In Funboys, Rian Lennon plays Jordan while Ryan Dylan plays Callum and Lee Dobbin stars as Lorcan.
Rian Lennon says: “We were very lucky to have such a uniquely funny assortment of actors who understood the show’s specific tone. Each person brought their own colour and verve and the result is a lovely collaborative finger painting of silly wholesome comedy that we're very excited to stick up on the nation’s fridges."
Who else is starring?
Other Funboys cast includes Jamie Demetriou who plays David (see pictured above), plus Ele McKenzie, Brian Devlin, Owen Colgan, Paul Bazely (Benidorm), Richard Croxford, Emer O’Connor, Amanda Hurwitz, James Martin, Vanessa Ifediora, Walter Chigui and Brendan Quinn.
Jamie Demetriou says: “The Funboys pilot blew me away. Their dedication to making something genuinely funny and specific is deeply exciting and very rare. Getting to see it in person on set was a career highlight for me.”
Is there a trailer?
No, not yet, but if the BBC releases one, we’ll add it to this page. For now you can watch the 14 minute-short of Funboys here.
Behind the scenes, locations and more on Funboys
Funboys is made by Mayhay Studios and is filmed and set in Northern Ireland, with support from Northern Ireland Screen. Rian Lennon, who is from Belfast, co-wrote Funboys with Ryan Dylan and also serves as a director.
Executive producer and story writer, Simon Mayhew-Archer of Mayhay Studios says: "Rian, Ryan and Lee are three of the funniest, most inventive people I've worked with and I really hope this show brings as much happiness to others as it has to me."
Jon Petrie, BBC Director of Comedy Commissioning says: “Rian, Ryan and Lee have a completely original and hilarious comic vision, so we’re delighted to see their debut series arrive on screen and to have exciting new Northern Irish voices on the BBC.”
Eddie Doyle, Head of Commissioning for BBC Northern Ireland, says: “It’s been fantastic to see this project develop from a BBC iPlayer short we co-commissioned with BBC Comedy, into a four part network series. Rian, Ryan and Lee are uniquely brilliant in their comedy and Funboys is quite unlike anything else out there.”