Coronation Street fans were fuming as troubled teen Max Turner blackmailed his teacher Daniel Osbourne in a shocking twist.
Jaws dropped as Max, played by Paddy Bever, confessed to Daniel, played by Rob Mallard, that he had spiked Amy Barlow's drink at the school dance.
The scheming 15-year-old has had it in for Daniel for months.
Max previously caused trouble for him by stealing his wallet and Daniel was accused of assaulting the pupil.

Max taunted Daniel over his past relationship with his aunt Bethany.
And there was more confrontation when Daniel tutored Max's crush Summer Spellman and Max alleged they were getting too close.
Then last month Daniel shoved Max out of his flat, and down the stairs, after he found him ransacking his home in revenge for the teacher telling him about his father David Platt being raped.
In Monday's double bill Max told Daniel that he was responsible for Amy ending up in hospital, and that he was the intended target.

Corrie viewers were hoping the confession might see manipulative Max finally face the music.
But they were reeling when Max threatened to send Daniel down for the push down the stairs, which had led to him being hospitalised, if he didn't keep quiet.
Feeling in a helpless position, Daniel later returned to see Max and David and told them he would keep his dark secret on the condition his family don't ever find out.
@itzzzo_ fumed on Twitter: "You find out that Max was the one who spiked Amy and you say you won’t say anything, nice Daniel…"

@janwilkins59 tweeted: "And Max goes on to carry on his selfish lunacy, no repercussions, until the next time. Great job!"
@tweekersbaby wondered: "Is Daniel the most stupid teacher that ever walked soap world? He hands psycho Max power over him by saying - don't tell my family I know.
"And he lets Max off scotfree to spike another drink and harm someone else?"
And @peppyrush asked: "Why do I feel so uncomfortable watching Max in Corrie. What happened to the sweet little Max?"
Others are demanding he's put behind bars.
@MeeshyJay decided: "Max deserves no less than jail."
@j_raff2021 commented: "Max needs to be locked up in youth custody."
And @amgrumpy said: "Yes Max you need to be locked up."