Irrigators along the Murray in South Australia will get their full water entitlements this year on the back of major flooding down the river system over summer.
The state government says Murray water storages are running at 89 per cent of capacity, well above the long-term average at this time of the year.
The prevailing conditions mean SA is expected to get its full annual water entitlement of 1850 gigalitres in 2023/24.
"The 100 per cent projected opening allocation is good news for the state's irrigators amid the devastation the recent flooding caused," Environment Minister Susan Close said.
"Having early advice will provide irrigators with the economic certainty they need right now."
Irrigators currently use about 424GL from the Murray each year, compared to about 200GL used by the rest of the state.
Ms Close said despite the environmental benefits of the recent flooding, work was still needed to drought-proof SA's future, ensuring the river's health was maintained with sufficient flows especially in drier periods.
She said the state government would continue to work with the Commonwealth to deliver the Murray-Darling Basin Plan in full, including the 450GL of extra environmental flows promised to South Australia but not yet delivered.
This would likely include the use of voluntary buybacks, by far the most efficient and cost-effective way to return environmental water to the system, the minister said.