Ukraine will send its full complement of athletes to Beijing for the Winter Paralympics despite the ongoing invasion by Russia.
There had been doubts that the entirety of the 20-strong team would travel to China for the Games.
But on Tuesday the National Paralympic Committee of Ukraine revealed its athletes were already out of their country and would safely travel along with nine guides to the Games, which get under way at the end of the week.
A spokesperson for the organisation said: “Part of the team is in one place, part is in another. I hope that today we will unite and get to the airport and go to Beijing together.
“The team is not in Ukraine. We will not tell where we are. When we come to Beijing, we will tell I hope that tomorrow, March 2, we will be in Beijing.”
It currently remains unclear whether the Ukrainian team will have to compete against athletes from the Russian Olympic Committee.
The International Paralympic Committee is under pressure to ban the 71-strong Russian team from competing and its executive board will meet to make a decision on Wednesday.