The Full Moon July 2023 sees the Moon in Capricorn opposing the Sun in Cancer. This means we’re being made aware of both our heads and our hearts – and being given the cosmic clues and tools to integrate the two.
Whenever the Moon is in Capricorn, we may feel more industrious and purposeful while also dealing with a nagging suspicion that we’re 'not enough.' That we somehow have to earn our love, our rest, our comforts, our pleasures. With the Sun in Cancer, however, the stars are reminding us that warmth, generosity, and nurturing are divine birthrights for all of us. A lovely reminder during Cancer season 2023!
What we need to remember during this Full Moon is that each one of us is blessed with a gift in this life and a sense of purpose in this world – it’s just our job to recognize it and then use it. Pay attention to what the stars show you during this dynamic lunation as they reveal your path forward. Also note that Full Moons are times of revelations, where what was previously unknown or inaccessible to us becomes instantly clearer. Emotions may be on high alert, but with that can come clarity of vision and purpose.
When is the Full Moon July 2023?

Mark your Moon calendar 2023 for July 3, 2023, because at 7:38 AM EST, there is a powerful Full Moon forming in the sky.
The difference between a New Moon and Full Moon is that Full Moons are always times of big reveals and stunning conclusions, where what was once hidden comes to light. This lunation is all about inspiration - so you better prep your Full Moon rituals for this powerful moment in 2023 astrology.
Here's how the Capricorn Full Moon June 2023 will affect you depending on your star sign. For the most accurate reading, look at your sun or rising sign according to your astrology birth chart.
Full Moon July 2023 horoscope

Your gift to the world is your calling, Aries. What is it that you feel called to do in this lifetime? It’s not about what others say you should do or what others tell you that you’re good at. It’s about your personal values and where you know your heart and your talents lie. With the Full Moon July 2023 in your tenth house of career, you may have reached a critical juncture in your vocation. It’s a moment where you can decide if there are new mountains and peaks to climb, things you still want to do, and goals you still want to achieve. Or if it’s a time when you can reap the rewards of your hard work and labor. Or maybe, why not both? You’ve earned it.
Your gift to the world is your personal convictions, Taurus. You’ve got a strong mind and fiercely held beliefs. When you feel inspired, you can galvanize others around you. The Full Moon July 2023 is in your ninth house of spirituality is asking you to do something productive with this talent of yours. Perhaps you have something to teach others – and could look to formalize that process by offering a class. Maybe you take someone else under your wing and mentor them. Maybe you start a podcast, or newsletter, or just start posting more on social media. Whatever it is, don’t let your talent and gift go to waste.
Your gift is your vulnerability, Gemini. You may think it’s your wit or your charm, but this Full Moon in your eighth house of intimacy and secrets wants you to see that it’s your remarkable talent for putting yourself out there that draws people to you. It’s also an opportunity to bring awareness to where you favor your head over your heart. It can show you where you think you need to perform, or entertain, or otherwise “work” for other people’s approval or affection. Here’s the reality: you don’t. You just have to be who you are and feel how you feel. Don’t be afraid of feelings that come up during this lunation. They’re the path to your healing.
Your gift to the world is your huge heart, Cancer. You have a remarkable ability to relate to anyone, to put yourself in their shoes, and see things from their perspective. The Full Moon July 2023 is in your seventh house of partnerships is reminding you of your enormous capacity for empathy. And to use that empathy to bridge gaps between yourself and others – and to also use it on yourself. This is not a Full Moon for fault finding or criticism. It’s a time for compassion and understanding. Others fall short or you may too. But that’s all part of the process. When you accept that, you can move forward.
Your gift to the world if your ability to weave gold from straw, Leo. You can find magic in the mundane. You can put a positive spin on just about anything. And with this Full Moon in your sixth house of daily routines, you’re being invited to look at your life in a whole new light. How can you bring more joy to your every day even when it’s not exactly the stuff of legend? Can you find a new way to look at the same old things? Consider that a tree may just be a boring tree. But there is a finite amount of them you’ll see in your lifetime. Appreciate the joy. Create more wonder. You’ll be glad you did.
Your gift to the world is your creativity, Virgo. With this Full Moon in your fifth house of pleasure, you are being called to share that gift with the world. It’s a time to cast your fears and self-doubts aside, however uncomfortable you may initially find that. You’re not a sign that’s known for lusting after the limelight, but this lunation is asking you why not? Think of your personal gifts like a present in a box. Would you leave it wrapped? Would you unwrap it but never use it? Play with it? Do something with it? That’s what it’s like when you don’t let your light shine. It’s time.
Your gift to the world is your sensitivity, Libra. You are so attuned to the thoughts and feelings of others, often putting their needs above your own. But this Full Moon in your fourth house of home and family is lighting up the most private area of your chart – and asking you to consider what you need to feel soothed, nurtured, and calm. It might give you more to do, but is helping others a way to escape your own problems or thoughts? Do you think you have to do something, perform in some way, in order to receive the love you inherently deserve? The Full Moon July 2023 is lighting up all the ways you can be kinder and gentler to yourself, too.

Your gift to the world is your power of perception, Scorpio. You have a shrewd intellect and a cunning mind. With the Full Moon July 2023 in your third house of communication, you’re being called to trust and rely on it, without doubting yourself – or other people. Ask yourself which one is more challenging for you. Is it trusting yourself or is it believing other people? If you always expect someone to disappoint you, chances are, they most certainly will. But what if they don’t? Or what if they do? Trust yourself and that you’re strong enough to get through it so you don’t block yourself from the possibility of being surprised.
Your gift to the world is your confidence, Sagittarius. There are people who were born to be brash and bold – and you are one of them. With the Full Moon July 2023 in your second house of value, it’s time to remind yourself of that. Where are you playing small while your soul is urging you to go big? Where are you eschewing your gifts and talents to avoid claiming your space? This is not a time for shyness but a time for assertion. It’s also not a time to let fear of lack or scarcity stop you from manifesting the life you’ve always wanted to live. An abundant life is yours for the taking. You have to believe in it – and yourself.
Your gift to the world is yourself, Capricorn. This Full Moon in your first house of your personal self is reminding you of that. This is not a time to be shy but to proclaim boldly and proudly who you are and what makes you special. During this time, applaud yourself for something you’re proud of. Give yourself a genuine compliment – about anything. And then reinforce that through self-encouragement – give yourself one piece of positive reinforcement. This isn’t about self-improvement. You’re already a pro at that. This is about self-love. Those tasks sound easy but notice where it feels hard. And that’s where the future work lies.
Your gift to the world is your thoughts, Aquarius. But how can you share them if you’re being so hard on yourself? With the Full Moon July 2023 in your twelfth house of the subconscious, you’re being asked to bring awareness to all the way you count yourself out or cut yourself down. Are you directing negative thoughts or downplaying your positive qualities to beat others to the punch? Are you punishing yourself pre-emptively, so you don’t have to deal with disappointment or potential rejection? These tactics may have helped in the past to shield you from sadness but ask yourself if you can try a new way forward. One where you keep your own head a happier place to be.
Your gift to the world is the power of your positive thinking, Pisces. When you feel hopeful and inspired, you’re like a radiant beam of good energy. Your task during this Full Moon in your eleventh house of hopes and dreams is to remind yourself that you are a beacon of light as long as you believe it. As long as you act in accordance with your values. As long as you are a good friend to others and to yourself. You can manifest anything you put your mind to – which is why it’s more important than ever that you keep your thoughts happy and don’t limit your imagination.