The Full Moon August 2023 is on August 1 meaning the month starts with a bang – and we would expect nothing less during Leo season, the time of the year when drama gets ratcheted up several notches.
The star sign of the Lion is synonymous with celebrity, glamour, entertainment and extravagance – and we may just find ourselves starring in our little soap opera or becoming the subject of tabloid-esque fodder as the events of this month in Leo season unfold, starting with a powerful Full Moon that doubles as a Super Moon. It means this lunation is extra potent and its effects will be magnified. Just like the sign of Leo, this Full Moon is anything but subtle.
The main difference between a New Moon and Full Moon is that Full Moons are times of release and revelations, so it’s best to be prepared for the kinds of dramatic conclusions that this month is bringing. We might see a few romantic reversals, financial shakeups, and emotional breakthroughs in our personal lives or playing out in the news. This month is also marked by not one but two Full Super Moons and has the signature of a Venus retrograde that is happening concurrently. This means that while events can initially present themselves as surprising or even challenging, August is offering us an opportunity for realignment towards our true purpose. If there’s any advice to follow this month, it’s this: trust the process!
When is the Full Moon August 2023?

Mark your Moon calendar 2023 for August 1, 2023, at 7:31 pm GMT On August 1 the Moon in Aquarius opposes the Sun in Leo, bringing our focus to the roles we play in our relationships with other people. Do we feed our inner Leo, which means indulging our need to perform, entertain, and be seen? Or do we eschew the spotlight because we fear being misunderstood, rejected, or accused of needing 'too much attention'? This feeling will only be magnified by the fact that Saturn, the ruler of this Full Moon, is receiving an opposition from communication planet Mercury – meaning that the revelations made during this time can feel critical or harsh, leaving us feeling rejected or just a bit cranky.
Here's how the Full Moon of August 2023 will affect you depending on your star sign. Look at your sun or rising sign for the most accurate reading, according to your astrology birth chart.
Full Moon August 2023 horoscope

With this Full Moon in your eleventh house, the spotlight is on your friendships. The question you’re contending with: why twist yourself into a knot, trying to fit in, when you were born to stand out? You’re being asked to be honest about the people and groups you associate with – and if you’re able to be your full authentic self around those people. There’s a difference between being alone and feeling lonely – and sometimes the most isolated you’ll ever feel is being surrounded by people who just don’t get you. Be brave enough to be yourself – and to go your own way if you need to, Aries.
With this Full Moon in your tenth house, the spotlight is on your career. You’re a notoriously hard worker – and now is the time to reap the rewards for all your contributions and efforts. You may find yourself levelling up in some way during this powerful time, like finding yourself on the receiving end of public praise or a profitable promotion. This Full Moon is reminding you that it’s OK to take credit for victories – and to own up to mistakes. Perfection isn’t the price you have to pay for success. It’s acknowledging your unique contributions and owning them, Taurus.
With this Full Moon in your ninth house, the spotlight is on your dreams. Your question: where are you playing small when you long to live large? There are so many ways other people’s expectations, cultural conditioning, or other societal pressures can juxtapose against your inner desire to live authentically and express yourself honestly. This Full Moon magnifies the ways in which you’ve diminished or downplayed your dreams in order to make others more comfortable. You may find yourself having to have a direct – if not difficult – conversation with others. But life is too short to live according to other people’s rules, Gemini.
With this Full Moon in your eighth house, the spotlight is on karmic bonds. Issues of trust, vulnerability and what you owe to others (and what they owe back to you) are coming up right now. It could require you to have an honest heart-to-heart with others you are intimately or financially involved with. Or you could find that you suddenly hear from ghosts from your distant past. People who owe you favour or an apology may reappear to give you what’s long overdue. Remember that forgiveness is not about erasing the past, but about being able to move forward, released from what’s holding you back from living authentically Cancer.
With this Full Moon in your seventh house, the spotlight is on your main character energy – and if you need to share it. Partnerships are magnified for you – especially with Venus currently retrograding in your sign – so you may be feeling extra sensitive when it comes to love, romance, and marriage. You could just as equally find yourself on the receiving end of harsh criticism as much as you could be doling it out. While this may create an instinct to flee, it’s time to sit with the discomfort and decide if the feedback is fair or a sign that something or someone has to give, Leo.
With this Full Moon in your sixth house, the spotlight is on your to-do list. If there is any sign that can load up on tasks and chores and still manage to get them all done, it’s you. But this Full Moon is asking you when too much will finally be enough. You’ve reached a critical juncture where it may be time to relieve yourself of responsibility – permanently. If something must be done, whether that’s at home or on the job, ask yourself if it must be done by you. If the answer is no, it’s time for some hard but necessary conversations with the people who need to pick up the slack, Virgo.
With this Full Moon in your fifth house, your sex life is in the spotlight. It’s your time to mix and mingle and that means putting your full self out there. It could mean a potentially awkward conversation with a paramour, but your needs need to be known and validated right now. Is your partner skipping foreplay? Are your flirty texts taking a turn you don’t want – or getting nowhere? Are you feeling stuck in a rut but pretending you’re not? Themes of creativity and fertility are in the foreground and the stars are inviting you to make sure you aren’t sacrificing your wants for the sake of playing it cool, Libra.

With this Full Moon in your fourth house, the spotlight is on your home. This Full Moon could finally see you letting go of a place real estate there could easily be other dramatic but worthwhile changes in your home front. The question that is before you is how you want to handle how you move forward. You cannot always control external events – and you certainly cannot control how other people react or behave. But what you are always in charge of is your own actions. If you’ve been avoiding confronting an issue or topic, if you’ve been silent when called to respond, now is the time to find your voice, Scorpio.
With this Full Moon in your third house, the spotlight is on a personal confession you need to make. It’s time to get something off your chest as it’s likely that the burden of carrying this secret has felt like quite a heavy weight to bear. It’s time to release that, even if it initially sounds overwhelming, intimidating, or you’re not certain how your news will be received by others. Face the unknown and do it anyway. The stars are bestowing you with extra powers of persuasion at the moment so choose who you want to share your soul with and then dazzle them with your bright light, Sagittarius.
With this Full Moon in your second house, the spotlight is on your finances. The stars are gifting you with an opportunity to have a conversation that could spark an increase in your income – but only if you’re willing to have a seemingly tough discussion. Speaking about finances is never comfortable, but neither is labouring for less than you’re worth. Leo season is coaxing you to find the courage to ask for a pay increase, raise your rates, or otherwise find more aligned money-making opportunities. This Full Moon is about reminding you of your worth and letting go of playing it too safe, Capricorn.
With this Full Moon in your first house, the spotlight is on you. Yes, that’s right, as one of the main characters of this lunation, all eyes will be on you – which may not be the most comfortable position for a sign that’s focused on group harmony. But this Full Moon finds you at a critical juncture where you can no longer pretend or play-act anymore – not when it comes at the cost of your personal values. Speak from the heart and release yourself from the burden of other people’s expectations of you. The only ideals you have to live up to are your own, Aquarius.
With this Full Moon in your twelfth house, the spotlight is on your blind spots. While that initially sounds like a contradiction, the truth is, the last several months have likely presented you with instances where your own thoughts or actions have gotten in the way of living your truth. Your job was to notice the consistent themes that have been arising. Now you can start to let go of any repetitive patterns or self-limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. It’s a time for self-care. You’ve earned some rest – and deserve to give yourself a break, Pisces