A Nottinghamshire man has been dealing with waste including tampons and sanitary towels running near his back garden for 23 weeks. James Williams, 42, says that he has been "disgusted" by the sewage and by the amount of time it is taking authorities to resolve the issue.
Mr Williams' property on Woodhouse Gardens in Ruddington, where he lives with his two daughters, has a back garden which is situated next to a culvert and open waterway. Although carrying water to a nearby brook, the waterway is currently littered with waste and even a dead rat.
Authorities have now launched investigations into what is causing the issue. A Severn Trent Spokesperson said: "We are aware of the issue affecting the culvert at Woodhouse Gardens. We are working with relevant authorities to identify the cause."
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Mr Williams said: "Severn Trent has been here and they tested for excrement and urine, both of which were identified. It's absolutely disgusting and you get a whiff of the smell as soon as you open the door.
"It's been 23 weeks that this has been going on for now and I've been amazed that it's been this long and that nobody has bothered to clean up all of the waste in the meantime. People need to know about this because ultimately it will all be going to the River Trent."
Mr Williams says that he has been told by one authority that the issue appears to be linked to the way in which a newer estate near his home was connected to drainage. But officials say that investigations are continuing, and this claim is yet to be proven.
A spokesperson for the Environment Agency said: "We are aware of drainage issues in the area of Woodhouse Gardens in Ruddington, Nottinghamshire. We are working alongside Rushcliffe Borough Council's environmental health department and Severn Trent to trace the source and resolve the problem."

A Rushcliffe Borough Council spokesperson said: "The matter is being investigated by both Severn Trent Water and the Environment Agency as the statutory lead authorities. The council is assisting with this investigation by gathering evidence and carrying out tests to help determine the source and resolution for the issue."
Mr Williams added: "It's just full of waste and there's even a dead rat floating in there now. It is affecting my enjoyment of my home because even in the house you can smell it."
A Severn Trent spokesperson said that a team had been out to the site again on Wednesday (September 21) and that they expected some results on what is causing the issue soon. The Environment Agency says that residents concerned about environmental impacts can call the 24/7 hotline on 0800 807060.
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