Many of us will be heading out for a drink this weekend – whether that's to a cocktail bar up town or our local pub.
So we're feeling a wee bit nostalgic – looking back on the old school boozers that were part of the lifeblood of a local area back in the day.
Plenty of these will have seen its fair share of 'action', for want of a better term, as the great and the good and the not-so-good congregated for a wee swally and to let their hair down.
Here's our pick of some Glasgow's most iconic 'scheme' pubs and Stakis-owned hotels that once dotted the city.
Many of which, with just the sight of their name, will bring the memories flooding back to plenty of us:
The Dalriada (aka 'The Dal')
Situated on Edinburgh Road between Springboig and Carntyne, the Dalriada had a true 60s interior as well as marble murals on the outside. For its seven day licence requirement, it had seven bedrooms available for guests to stay in.
Known locally as 'the Dal', it was opened by Reo Stakis and was named by his friend Mr Phillips - who was a French teacher at Cranhill Secondary School. It was said the Dal had the longest bar in Scotland at one time, with the upstairs lounge holding around 500 people.
There's another possible claim to fame in that the Rolling Stones may have rehearsed there in January of 1964 prior to their show at the Barrowlands. Or was that the Stepps Hotel?
The Hills Hotel
This Drumchapel institution was said to be Stakis' biggest earner, with two bars; one upstairs in the actual hotel, alongside the 'Rig' downstairs.
The 'Rig', complete with an oil rig drawing at the entrance, is recalled as a pub where things could get pretty rowdy.
Folk who frequented it will also no doubt remember the sight of kids hanging about outside waiting on their parents and holding a bag of chips from the nearby Rinaldo's chippy.
1975 saw the opening of the Golden Garter Room at the hotel, which killed three birds with one stone in offering up four-course dinners, a chance to show your talent on the dancefloor and also be entertained by some of Scotland's leading artists.
In 1979 a certain Dougie Donnelly DJ'd there as part of a Radio Clyde special.
The Oasis
The Castlemilk spot set within the Braes shopping arcade on Dougrie Drive was the first pub to open in what was a 'dry' scheme in the 60s until then after Stakis got his hands on a licence to operate in the area.
Known locally as 'The Zoo', 'The Big O' or more recently 'The Ozzy', it quickly became biggest money earner for the hotelier apparently - not surprising as it was the only pub for a population of more than 30,000 at one point.
Although not a hotel in any shape or form, it deserves mention as the 'most inappropriately named boozer in Glasgow'.
Its infamy has stuck with it under the name The New Oasis, with a scathing review left by a (lost) English tourist back in 2005 saying that it was worth a visit 'for the circus factor' alone.
The Comet
How many other pubs in the city can say they appear in the music video for Robson and Jerome's What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted? The Comet could.
Located on Bisland Drive in Ruchill, or as some called it 'the rough end of Aleppo', the pub went by a few names, none better than 'The Vomit'. Situated in what one person described as akin to 'the luckiest building in Baghdad', it looked derelict and closed for years when it was, in fact, still open - the saloon doors providing the only suggestion that it was a pub.
Reports suggest it was actually a great wee place full of characters, even if one punter, who referred to it as 'a special kind of desperate', described the upstairs function room as having the look of 'a long abandoned Chernobyl'.
The Casbah
As sure as night follows day, there must have been plenty of 'clashes' in this Easterhouse local, if you'll excuse the pun.
Latterly named the Lochwood Tavern prior to its closure, 'the pub wi nae windaes' had a real Reservoir Dogs feel to it according to those who remember it.