The Bear
Jeremy Allen White
Emma D’Arcy
(in his youth) and even Colette from Pixar’s have long been revered as at least pretty hot. But it seems now’s a good time to get a kitchen job because the thirst for food and drink lovers has been thrust further into the mainstream recently.
It started with TV show which premiered in June. is a moderately attractive, 5’7” white man with sad eyes. There’s really no reason he should be a Hollywood heartthrob. But give him a Chicago accent, throw him in an emotionally-charged, high-pressure environment surrounded by fire, tattoo his rippling forearms, put him in a tight white t-shirt and an apron, pour sweat down his brow and tussle his long hair… Dear God, I actually need to stop.
It is probably the sexiest thing I have ever watched in bed. No, I’m serious.
That was until described their favourite drink.
A negroni… sbagliato… with prosecco in it.
My chest is pounding. There’s a lump in my throat. I feel very… fidgety.
Nothing and no one appeals to me anymore unless they’re Emma D’Arcy or Jeremy Allen White.
So what is it about chefs and hospo that’s such a turn-on?
Loving food is like loving sex; it’s an interest purely in the pursuit of pleasure. Enjoying a meal or talking about something delicious you once ate or drank elicits the same silky body language and smooth voice one might use during or to describe other pleasurable encounters. Like if that’s the voice D’Arcy uses to describe a drink, what are they like when they’re actually flirting? Oof.
A love for and knowledge of food and drink also shows a degree of confidence, culture and interest in the world around you; a willingness and desire to explore, try new things and enjoy life. All very hot qualities. And let’s be real, the biggest turn-off in the whole world is being a fussy eater. Grow up.
For those who’ve actually pursued jobs in hospitality: well for one, you probably have a fair amount of physical strength from being on your feet all day. Shaking cocktails, flipping pans and constantly hauling around heavy stuff. White’s muscles in The Bear melted me like butter on a skillet.
Obviously. I’m not naive and I know working in kitchens can be (and is mostly) toxic AF. Like we see in , the stress can push people to breaking point, the long hours can drain the life out of you and venues are often cesspits of and .
But there’s something about the passion, drive, dedication and love that goes into cooking that makes people who choose it for their careers alluring.
And anyone who wants to take me out for a Martini — even better if it’s at their friend’s bar — will always get the privilege of my attention.
The Bear abuse, harassment exploitationi could listen to emma darcy say ‘with prosecco in it’ all day
— maybe: malaika (@youngdumbhijabi) October 6, 2022
The post From The Bear To Emma D’Arcy’s Negroni Sbagliato, Is Hospo Having A Horny Renaissance? appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .