NOTE: this post contains spoilers for From season 2 episode 5, "Lullbay."
In this week's episode of From, tension is at an all-time high as someone returns to the town and turns things upside down.
"Lullaby" begins with Randall (A.J. Simmons) trying to sleep in the bus, but the knocking on the windows keeps him up. When he gets up he almost opens the door before remembering where he is. Several monsters surround the bus, watching him. It's unnerving because of all the windows, allowing them a full view of him, and vice versa. But Randall isn't afraid. He confronts them, telling them he isn't afraid. When they walk away, he demands that they come back but they don't.
Meanwhile, Jade (David Alpay) can't sleep. He keeps staring at the journal and the picture. Suddenly, the man from the picture appears in the doorway, holding the journal. The pages are bleeding. When the man disappears — he's yet another vision — Jade yells in frustration.
Speaking of frustration, Boyd (Harold Perrineau) is awakened the next morning by knocking at the door. Sara (Avery Konrad) appears in the next room and he tells her to stay out of sight. When he opens the door, Tabitha (Catalina Sandino Moreno) and Jim (Eion Bailey) rush in, demanding answers. Kenny (Ricky He) told them everything and they want to know why he's protecting her. Boyd says the rules have changed, and Sara might have the answers they need to get home. Tabitha sees Sara across the room and demands she stay away from her family.
Ethan (Simon Webster) refuses to come out of his room. Julie (Hannah Cheramy) says he overheard them talking about Sara's return. When he opens the door, he says he wants to see Sara.
Kristi (Chloe Van Landschoot) brings breakfast in bed to Mari (Kaelen Ohm), who has a surprise for her. She has one of Kristi's shirts, reminding her of home. Kristi's worried that she's not the same person anymore, but Mari insists they'll get through it.
Sara ignores Boyd's warning to stay hidden and instead ventures to her old house, where she finds her brother's jacket on a chair. The home's new residents find her there and tell her to leave. She just wants her things, but they've already been packed up and given to Kenny's mom.
Jade is trying to recreate the symbol using beer bottles when Victor (Scott McCord) arrives. Victor tells him everything he can in return for some help. He wants Jade to play the violin in exchange for information. Jade reluctantly agrees.
Jim and Tabitha discuss Ethan's request to see Sara. Jim reminds her that the doctors said they need to let Ethan lead after losing Thomas, so she agrees. Ethan reminds her that when you go on a quest you have to face the danger because that's what takes the danger away.
Donna (Elizabeth Saunders) is furious Boyd's breaking his own rules for Sara. She tells him he should find out what Kenny's mom thinks about it because he's betraying their trust.
Ethan meets with Sara and says only monsters live in the woods, so she's a monster and he's not afraid of her. "Okay," she whispers. They leave, and she turns and faces the diner.

Leading Jade into the woods, Victor notes the trees are changing. They arrive in a field full of empty cars. Victor says when he was alone he put them there, where he couldn't see them. Victor apologizes for getting upset the day before. He wants Jade to play in front of an old station wagon, and he wants to hear the "one about the twinkling star." Jade quickly realizes that it's his mother's car. Victor's mother used to play the song when he was afraid. Jade plays it for him and Victor weeps.
Elgin walks into the church and finds Sara there. Elgin says he's always gone to church with his grandmother; he goes to see her every weekend because it makes her happy. They'd crochet owls together. Sara feels comfortable with him and opens up, telling him a story about making ornaments with her brother, which is what she'd been looking for in her old house. When Elgin realizes her brother is dead, he says she should go get it. She reveals she killed her brother, telling him he'll find out about it all soon enough. He leaves, confused by the sudden dark turn in their conversation.
Ethan tells his mom and Julie he's not afraid anymore. After the kids go into the house, Jim tells Tabitha he did great. She looks over her shoulder and sees the set of blocks on the porch, set up in their configuration.
Sara goes to the diner and Tian Chen (Elizabeth Moy) is upset seeing her. "You put hate in me," she says. But she knows why Sara is there. She gives her the box and tells her to go, telling her to never come back again. Kenny finds her leaving the diner and grabs the box, emptying it on the ground. When she grabs her ornament, he takes it and smashes it. A crowd has gathered, seeing his rage. Elgin helps her pack her things back up but she runs off without thanking him.
Mari gives Kristi a haircut when Tildy walks in and gives her a bottle of morphine. She was just diagnosed with cancer and wanted Kristi to have it for when she needs it. When Tildy mentions Sara, Kristi runs from the clinic but Mari stops her and demands an explanation. Kristi feels guilty that Sara took the scalpel from her.
Victor reveals the man in the photo was named Christopher. He shows Jade Christopher's car, saying he made people laugh. But then he changed. Victor doesn't want to talk about it, which angers Jade because he hasn't been able to sleep since arriving there. He's desperate for answers. "Everyone died," Victor says. Christopher saw the symbol and then he changed. Victor's mom told him to hide, and the next day everyone was dead. The place, he says, makes people do bad things.
In the woods, Tabitha stacks the blocks outside the caves and calls out that she's there. The children emerge and surround her, but then she realizes that she's alone. Jade appears and asks if she's OK. Her nose is bleeding. He tells her that he didn't see anything.
Boyd sees Randall taking seats off the bus and hauling them to the roof when Jim approaches. He says he saw Sara and didn't see a vicious killer, he saw a broken girl. He wonders if they're all being pushed to their limits. He tells Boyd about the voice, and that he thinks they're being watched. They need to work together. Boyd decides not to tell him anything, and walks away.
In the diner, Boyd searches for Tian Chen when his hand starts trembling. Then it stops. While Kristi gets dressed, Mari steals some of the morphine. Ethan stacks the blocks and then sees Sara walking by. She smiles, but he doesn't. Randall is carving wood on the roof of his bus. Boyd tells Tian Chen he wants to talk.
New episodes of From season 2 air Sundays on MGM Plus.