NOTE: this post contains spoilers for From season 2 episode 3,"Tether."
Episode 3 of From season 2 sees the town struggling to cope with the new arrivals while others deal with the immediate aftermath of their search to find answers.
Boyd (Harold Perrineau) and the others are back in town after spending the night in the truck. Ellis (Corteon Moore) is happy to have his father back, but Boyd makes a decision to not talk about what happened after he went into the tree. He has too many questions himself and with the creatures under his skin he can't freak everyone out until he knows what's happening.
Tabitha (Catalina Sandino Moreno) and Jim (Eion Bailey) have reunited with their kids and Jim expresses how afraid he was that he'd lost Tabitha. She tells him that the electrical wires don't connect to anything, that they just hang from the ceiling in the tunnels under the town. This gives them something to work on together. She tells him she's going to get food for the kids while he rests.
Donna (Elizabeth Saunders) is trying to keep the peace with the passengers. Randall (A.J. Simmons) doesn't want to relinquish his gun but Boyd arrives and tells him he can go live on his own if he wants. The group goes off to get settled in Colony House while Boyd and Donna talk about supplies. She mentions that Kristi (Chloe Van Landschoot) was reunited with her fiance Mari (Kaelen Ohm) and that's not something that's ever happened to them before.
In the forest, Kenny (Ricky He) and Ellis set up traps when they come upon a young woman from the bus. They think she's dead because there's a metal rod stuck through her head into a tree, but she's very much alive. She'd been in the bar with her boyfriend, who opened the door to the monsters. Her name is Kelly (Phoebe Rex). Ellis sends Kenny to get Kristi immediately.
Kelly tells Ellis she and her boyfriend, Brian, were dragged outside and the monsters told her that they wanted to play with her. They made her watch as they killed Brian. When Kristi arrives, she realizes there's not much she can do. Kelly is not going to survive, so they will have to pull the rod from her head to end her suffering.
Victor (Scott McCord) returns to Colony House to find that his room was ransacked by Jade (David Alpay) and Ethan (Simon Webster). When he discovers something missing, he finds Jade at Kenny's house playing the violin that was missing. After taking it back, Victor refuses to answer questions even when Jade presses him about the symbol and the photograph.

Tabitha and Julie (Hannah Cheramy) are sorting through clothes in the supply room. Julie thinks it's morbid, since all of the supplies come from people who have died, but Tabitha points out that it's like a thrift store. Outside, Tabitha stops in her tracks when she sees two children who look like the creatures that were locked in the cave.
Julie wants to know what her mother saw, and points out that she spent the night thinking she'd have to raise Ethan by herself after losing her parents. Tabitha explains she often had visions of things that weren't there. She refers to her son Thomas, who passed away, and said she frequently saw him after he died. But those were happy visions. These new ones are more sinister. Later, she goes to talk to Ethan on the porch and finds that he's playing with the same blocks she saw in the cave, and when he completes the puzzle she sees the same two children again, only they're closer this time.
As Kristi, Kenny and Ellis prepare to pull the rod out, Kelly asks them to tell her mother she was sorry for not hugging her before she left on the bus. Kelly starts hearing noises and screams. Boyd, who had been in the woods visiting his wife's grave (and questioning the nature of reality while he was there), shows up and tells them all to leave. But there's no time. Kelly is suffering so Boyd pulls it out, causing her to fall silent. She dies peacefully while they look on. They all cope differently with what's happened.
Kristi returns to the infirmary. Mari is packing to leave for Colony House but when she sees how distraught Kristi is, she offers her comfort. Ellis tells Fatima that they shouldn't wait to escape the town. They should get married right away.
Boyd finds Donna in the greenhouse and tells her what happened. Then he tells her about how he was in Iraq and a boy died in his arms. The boy's name: Corporal Brian Kelly. Kelly's boyfriend was named Brian. How can that be a coincidence? Donna wants to know where Boyd was, but he refuses to say. She just needs to know he's ok, and that she can count on him because she’s at her limit, too.
Kenny goes to the church to find something for Kelly's service. Instead, he ends up finding Sara hiding in the basement.
From season 2 airs Sundays on MGM Plus.