A street in Nottingham where one of the cheapest properties was sold in 2021 has been deemed as a neighbourhood where people “all look out for one another.” On Bramerton Road in Bilborough a semi-detached house sold for £46,500 on November 1st 2021.
People living in other properties on the road have explained that many in the area are either elderly or disabled. Many of them are also dog owners.
Amanda Dennis, 48, has lived on the street for 16 years and is a carer for her father. She said: “I love it here, the neighbours are friendly and we all look out for each other. We only know this end of the road, the housing estate [further up the road] is a bit rough. You get the odd idiot joyriding but you get that everywhere.”
There are many bungalows in the area. Amanda, who agrees that a house selling for £46,500 is a bargain, added: “These bungalows go for about £120,000+, most are council owned but you do get the odd person who goes private. Two streets up, there’s shops and The Pelican [a pub.] There’s nothing I’d change about the area really apart from parking which isn’t that great.”
The area also has a Co-Op store, Andy’s Chippy, Gurkha’s Kitchen, a bookies, a Heron food store and two chemists. Amanda continued and said: “You get cars from Glaisdale Drive park here if there isn’t any space on their road but in general, the area really quiet.”
An event that happened over a decade ago is one Amanda remembers well on the mostly quiet street. She said: “I remember a car speeding down the road, flipping over and crashing into a bungalow but that was over 10 years ago, nothing really happens here.”

54-year-old Donna Lee also lives in the area is originally from Clifton. Donna has also lived in St Ann’s and Sneinton and was sceptical about her move to the street. She has now lived on Bramerton Road for five years and loves it. She said: “My other half is always helping people on the street out. If you need anything and we can do it, we’ll do it.
“I think that this side of the area could do with a better bus service, apart from the main road, buses only come down here around every hour but apart from that, we have everything. Donna went on to say: “A lot of people in the area are in the same situation; they’re either elderly or disabled and a lot of people have dogs so we can all mix and bond over that.”
The area also has a community centre that puts on Bingo and a local church.
Vicar Peter Shaw also lives in Bilborough, not too far from Brampton Road. Vicar Shaw, who has been a vicar for 3 years said: “I love living here, the people are lovely. You go into the local pub and everyone wants to talk to you. The area is almost like a village in a strange way.”