Wes Ball’s Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is a unique addition to the Apes franchise, blending ape and human narratives. Freya Allan's character, Mae, plays a pivotal role in the story. Mae encounters Noa, a young chimpanzee, and inadvertently leads hostile apes to his village, resulting in destruction and abductions. Mae's intelligence is revealed when she discloses her real name, challenging the perception of her being feral and mute.
As the plot unfolds, Mae and Noa are captured by Proximus Caesar, who aims to access human technology in a vault for ape dominance. Mae and Noa collaborate to retrieve a decryption key, crucial for human communication. In a daring move, Mae sacrifices the vault to prevent ape domination, leading to a tragic outcome.
The film concludes with Mae holding a gun behind her back when reuniting with Noa, hinting at a potential threat. Allan's portrayal of Mae's emotional complexity adds depth to the character, showcasing her internal struggles and tough decisions.
Allan's audition process for the role involved unique challenges, including maintaining secrecy about Mae's ability to speak. Despite the marketing revealing this detail, Allan hopes viewers can still be surprised by Mae's character development.
Reflecting on her experience, Allan discusses the balance of portraying a character pretending to be feral while maintaining human traits. She shares insights into her preparation for the role, including working with movement coordinators to capture Mae's authenticity.
Overall, Allan's performance as Mae in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes highlights her versatility as an actor and her dedication to bringing depth to complex characters. The film's exploration of ape-human dynamics and moral dilemmas adds a fresh perspective to the Apes universe, setting the stage for potential sequels.