Four Germans were apprehended by police in western Austria for laying white roses in memory of Adolf Hitler at the house where the Nazi dictator was born. The incident occurred on the anniversary of Hitler's birth, April 20, 1889, in Braunau am Inn.
Last year, efforts began to convert Hitler's birth home into a police station to deter individuals who seek to glorify Hitler from visiting the site. Despite these measures, the four Germans, two sisters and their partners in their 20s and early 30s, visited the building to place white roses in its window recesses.
During their visit, the group posed for photos in front of the house, with one of the women giving a Hitler salute. Patrolling officers observed the gesture and subsequently escorted the group to a police station for questioning.
Upon questioning, the woman who performed the salute claimed it was not meant seriously. However, police discovered Nazi-themed messages and images shared among the group on her cellphone. As a result, all four individuals are facing potential charges for violating Austrian laws that prohibit the display of Nazi symbols.