The rest of the Fortnite Showtime challenges have arrived a day before the Marshmello concert is set to start, and you can earn yourself some Mello-themed gear with relatively little effort on your part.
The first challenge was yesterday which had you find a poster for the event, and today, there are two more challenges to accomplish for the best prizes of the bunch. The second challenge is to visit the showtime venue, which, if you looked at the post, you’ll know is in Pleasant Park. Specifically, it’s the football field in Pleasant Park, which you can find here:
A few days ago, the concert was actually being set up when there was still snow covering the area, which you can see in this screenshot I took a little while ago:
I love that Epic was actually virtually setting up a virtual concert when, you know, it could just like, pop into existence if it wanted to.
But today? Things are a lot different. Now when you go to the concert venue on the football field, you can see that it’s actually all the way set up complete with a black floor so the grass doesn’t torn up. Here’s what that looks like with the lights off.
There are some interesting things to note here, namely that you cannot destroy the stage as it is apparently made out of meteor rock or something. I also don’t think that you can jump up on stage to the DJ area where the Marshmello NPC will be performing, which will prevent people from mobbing him. I am still not sure how Epic will handle shooting/building during the concert itself, but it may turn out to be disabled during the show, which may be the best idea. Visiting it right now after this challenge has gone live is CRAZY. So many people swarming there.
Once you visit the venue, you should complete the challenge and unlock the Keep it Mello dance emote, which is a requirement to do the next challenge where you have to use that emote in three different locations around the map. This isn’t terrible difficult, but do you know where the trucker’s oasis and ice cream parlor are offhand? Because I didn’t. But we have guides for all three steps here and here and here. If those links don’t work yet, they will soon. And we have a guide for finding posters as well if you’re still on that step.
This should turn out to be something unlike anything the game has seen before, so be sure to head out there tomorrow as this is yet another one-time-ever Fortnite event you’re not going to want to miss. See you out there.
Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new sci-fi thriller novel Herokiller, available now in print and online. I also wrote The Earthborn Trilogy.