Fortnite’s Season 7 Battle Pass is here: we got a bit of an early look this morning due to an early reveal from Fortnite Korea, which dropped both the official trailer and the battle pass trailer a little bit early. It’s a Winter Wonderland for Season 7, with a bunch of snow and ice-themed skins as well as a new pet, new weapons and vehicle skins and even a glimpse of the new airplanes, which look like they’re set to go live when downtime ends later today. The full pass is live now, so let’s check out what’s on offer, from skins to back blings, gliders and more.
The full video is now live over at Epic Games, so let’s take a look:

Skins: First off are the new skins: as we saw in a recent leak, our progressive outfits this time around are Lynx and Ice King. The first transitions from being just sort of a cat enthusiast to an armored, bodysuit-wearing cat enthusiast. Ice King is the Tier 100 skin we saw in the very first teaser for the season: something like Game of Thrones’ Night King by way of a Rankin-Bass Christmas movie, transitioning mostly into a more impressive version of itself. We also got a look at a gruff-looking Sergeant Winter that looks to be sort of a tactical Santa, as well as a Yeti skin and the long-awaited Onesie skin.
For an in-depth look at all the skins, check out Erik Kain here.
For the new Tier-100 challenge, check out Paul Tassi.

Pets: We’re getting a two new pet this time around: a little hamster named Hamirez, complete with wheel, as well as Remus, a sort of husky-looking sled dog. Hamirez is the obvious standout, though I do expect Remus’ skull detailing to be popular as a match for Skull Trooper.

Gliders: A few good gliders in the mix here. Santa’s tactical sleigh is sort of a layup, but I’m also really liking the rickety wooden glider with bluebird to go along with the Yeti set.

Contrails: Again, the string lights are the most straightforward here. But I’m also really really digging the trippy-looking fiber optics and blue flame swirls. I’m way over purple glyphs, however, so passing on that one.

Wraps: Of special note in here are new “wraps,” which are what the game is calling its weapon and vehicle skins. Basically, when you hop into a vehicle or pick up a weapon, it’ll swap out the standard look for something custom if you’ve got one active. So far the concept has a sort of wrapping paper theme to go along with the season, but I’m sure we’ll see it applied to all sorts of things in the future.

Toys: New toys include a throwable Durr Burger head and, much more interestingly, a hockey puck. Expect toys to get a ton of play in the new Creative Mode as people make all sorts of lethal variants on Golf and Hockey.

Back Bling: Outside of pets there are only two back blings: the above ice cube and a wrapped assault rifle called “perfect present.” Perfect present should go pretty well with the elf skins that are already in the game, and I’m a fan of the Yeti set writ large.

Pickaxe: Just the one pickaxe in the battle pass, and it’s part of the free offerings. Not too effective as an axe, really, but I like the look of this big block of ice, particularly when combined with the back bling. Yeti gonna strap ice to himself, I suppose.