We are nearing the end of season 4 of Fortnite, and blaring alarms indicate that a rocket is about to launch which will obliterate the map/explore space/do something else to create season 5. But before that happens, it’s time for two more weeks of challenges, including week 9’s that have just gone live.
Here’s what you’re looking to do this time around.
- Deal damage with explosive weapons to opponents (0/500)
- Search chests in Moisty Mire (0/7)
- Use a shopping cart (0/1)
- Visit the center of Named Locations in a single match (0/4)
- Follow the treasure map found in Haunted Hills (0/1) HARD
- Shotgun eliminations (0/4) HARD
- Eliminate opponents in Anarchy Acres (0/3) HARD

Hard week? Eh, I don’t think so. Not compared to some of the previous Fortnite weeks, anyway. Why not?
Chests in Moisty Mire and kills in Anarchy Acres are your usual location scavenging/kill changes which aren’t so bad. Shotgun eliminations as a “hard” challenge is kind of hilarious, because it’s not a game of Fortnite without at least a few shotgun kills, so this might actually be the easiest weapon challenge of them all. Explosive damage is also pretty easy considering you have grenades, C4, rockets and grenade launchers to choose from, and even if you don’t get kills, splash damage alone should get you up to that 500 mark pretty quickly. Also remember that in duos or squads you can blow up downed people using explosives for it to count toward this as well. Using a shopping cart is only going to be hard if shopping carts end up being disabled for the millionth time, otherwise, you’ll find one eventually.
And the last two?
This challenge, when it leaked, was originally visiting taco shops, a repeat, then it changed to visiting craters, then it was visiting named locations, and now finally it’s visiting the center of named locations in the a single match. Go here to read our guide for that.
This treasure map used to be something else entirely (search between movie titles), but it got switched to a more traditional challenge. Read our guide here for how to snag that prize.
And unlike the first seven weeks, once again, there is no hidden battle star in any Fortnite loading screen. I don’t quite know why Epic decided to do away with this in the final three weeks of the season, as I thought it was fun, but here we are. Those will probably start up again in season five.
Again, I think this is one of the easier weeks to complete when all is said and done, so if you’re still lacking a week to get you that blockbuster skin, I would definitely give all of week 9’s challenges a shot. I don’t think you’ll find a much easier list than this for all of this season, other than the usual headaches of everyone swarming Anarchy and Moisty for those challenges in the early days here.
Stay tuned for more Fortnite events this week, including a possible rocket launch, but there have been so many false starts for that at this point, I’m going to say it’s probably not going to do much of anything until week 10. It’s been a little less fun than the comet, in my opinion.
Happy hunting, and be sure not to skip this rather easy week of challenges.
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