Avast, me hearties!
Fortnite Season 8 is sailing closer every day, and a dark wind is blowing across the sea. Today, Epic Games revealed yet another teaser image for the game’s next season, which swashbuckles its way onto consoles, PC and mobile devices this Thursday, February 28th.
We’ve already seen two very interesting teasers this week. The first showed off what is undeniably a pirate hook. The second looks something like a cobra. Both hinted strongly at a piratical, seafaring theme which could very well indicate that the map is being split up into islands and that a pirate ship vehicle is on the way. Fingers crossed, anyways, as both sound amazing.
The third teaser image continues this theme of monsters and pirate loot, but it takes monsters to the next level. As you can see above, it looks like a fire dragon. The poem that Epic included in the image tweet reads:
Awaken beasts
Of fire and ash
Battle it out
And loot the stash.
2 days to Season 8.
So this most definitely ties into the idea of giant boss battles coming to the game. This, along with the red background, also suggests that a fire season is in store, something that many predicted given the fiery nature of the Prisoner skin and theories around the Ice King fighting the Fire King. It also doubles down on the “treasure” theme we’ve been hearing about in the past two images, this time with “loot the stash.”
The Fortnite map might not only split apart following the massive earthquake event, forming islands in the process, it might also get some lava, or a fire zone similar to the snow biome. We may see the burning of Wailing Woods, the emergence of dragon-spewing volcanoes. Or something else entirely. We’ll know soon enough.
Fire dragons? Pirates? Beasts of fire and ash? Fortnite Season 8 is already shaping up to be pretty sweet. Stay tuned Thursday morning for the first Season 8 challenges, map changes and much more, all of which we’ll cover here at Forbes Games.
P.S. If you fiddle with the image to make it a bit more clear, you can see what appear to be huge wings as well as the monstrous head much more clearly: