Fortnite’s season 5 Cube is still on the move in season 6, except instead of rolling around the map once every hour or two, it’s now floating, lifting up the entirety of the Loot Lake island house and carrying it around the map.
Since it first started moving, Cube Island has been heading toward a western rune on the map, retracting its old steps, and it seems like beginning some new ritual once it reaches all the locations.
The Cube arrived just minutes ago, and did…a few things. It created some purple Cube lava craters that you can bounce in, and it lifted up the chunk of run earth off the map, and has now created a lightning vortex over it.
None of this appears to be dangerous in the least. You can jump in any of these pits and they’ll just bounce you around, Cube style, and you can try to dive in the central lava crater, but the Cube tornado will just lift you up either to the rune piece of floating earth, or to the Loot Lake island itself.

What is not clear yet is how long the Cube will stay here, or what will happen to this zone with the Cube leaves. Previously, we had Cube spending a day planting a gravity field and printing a rune on the ground before moving on. What happens this time? Will it move again in an hour or in a day? Will the lava and floating land remain? And of course, what happens when the Cube moves back to all its runes.
Consider the Cube hit rune 1 four days after launch, to hit all seven, we might be looking at a Halloween Cube event if it stays at this same pace. What exactly that is might be anyone’s guess, but everyone has been predicting a volcano under Loot Lake for eons, and given what we’re seeing here, that may not be all that unlikely.
The Cube has never been more powerful, here’s what it looks like up close when you’re standing on the floating rune:

Check back here in an hour or so to see if it’s on the move again. I am not ultra thrilled about chasing another Cube around for weeks, so hopefully more stuff happens during/after that. Like the Cube is cool but…this very, very slow chase got a little old by the end of season 5, and now we’re starting a different one in season 6. But I still have faith that this is going to lead somewhere cool.
What do you make of the new Cube behavior? What is your best case scenario end result of all this madness?
Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new sci-fi novel HEROKILLER, which combines my love of fighting games and action movies. I also wrote The Earthborn Trilogy.