A Rift Zone: it’s different than a rift. It is, also, not a place where there a bunch of rifts, somewhat confusingly. But it’s a new thing in Season 10 X of Fortnite, shaking up the experience of moving around on the map a little bit by offering up unique zones with unique mechanics inside of them. There’s a funny thing about a lot of these Fortnite developments, however, which is that you often don’t find them described anywhere in-game. So if you woke up and saw the new “Worlds Collide” missions asking you to visit a Rift Zone, you might have had no idea what the game was talking about. So we’re here to help, with map guide and location.
So here’s what a Rift Zone is: it’s a bubble surrounding an area on the map that houses unique mechanics. These are showing up gradually as the season goes on: there were none when it started, then one, and now there are two. They’ll keep popping up on what we assume is a biweekly basis with each patch, and eventually, we’ll likely see five scattered around the map. For right now, however, just the two. Let’s take a look:

The first Rift Zone in the game is Tilted Town, a little village where Neo Tilted used to be in the style of the 10th century American West. It’s a great little area, if sort of weird in the game. You’ll know you’re there as soon as you cross the barrier: your character gets an era-appropriate duster, there’s a little whistle sound effect and everything turns just a tiny bit sepia. The gimmick here is that you can’t break or build: the buildings that are on the map are there to stay, and the whole thing plays out more like a traditional shooter than Fortnite. There are also some bonus weapons there, like the double-barreled shotgun and six-shooter.
The second rift zone is at Retail Row, which replaced Mega Mall last week. The trick here is that it’s infested with husks Fortnitemares, zombies, or whatever it is we’re calling them just now. This one is a little more meta-relevant, because the husks are relevant for loot farming, particularly if you destroy the crystals they come from. Just be a bit careful with the whole operation: people have always farmed kills on people farming husks, as the circle of life dictates.
Completing the challenge couldn’t be easier: just pop into one of these zones and watch it complete. You’ll have to come back later for the prestige, however.